M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Don’t lose hope yet! Even though Andover has probably shipped, the tracking number maybe hasn’t been entered into the FedEx system. Don’t Lose Hope! @maddiea22

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I got accepted to Thacher and Cate. Oh my God.

@minimalist CONGRATS!!

@maddiea22 are we sure that is definitive? Re Andover. Maybe they only used fedex for applicants outside of Massachusetts.?

CONGRATS!!! those are awesome schools!!! Now the waiting’ll be easier :O)

Thanks, guys. Made me feel better:) @Anonymousia @rulerMA

@rulerMA THANK YOU!!! :smiley:

Yay!!! @minimalist Congrats!

@Center @maddiea22 I don’t want to sound like a Debbie Downer, but I believe Andover uses FedEx for all applicants who were accepted.

@maddiea22 Fedex is hardly a sure way of knowing. Keep your head up!

I don’t live in Mass lol @Center Not sure though, we’ll see

CONGRATS!!! @minimalist

Not considering it a rejection/waitlist yet! @Center

Congrats @minimalist! That is fantastic!

Congrats @minimalist !!! So happy for you!!

Thank you! @asdf789

I will be really glad if even one school accepts me tomorrow! Congrats again!

THANK YOU, @maddiea22 and @Anonymousia !!! I hope all goes well for you two, too!

@MAandMEmom what school in CT?

THANK YOU, EVERYONE!! You should see me right now; tears are rolling down my face.