M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@minimalist CONGRATS!!! Hopefully this is a good omen and this year won’t be a repeat of M10 2015 knocks on wood

two, too… haha

I’m delirious @-) b-(

huge congrats!! @minimalist

@rulerMA No worries (we didn’t apply to Andover). Just trying to get some clarity for the collective benefit

Oh yeah @minimalist I know I’m crying either way lol

@zeebee619 I hope not! Everyone here deserves the best, after all. :slight_smile:

Off to a good start!! Fingers crossed for the rest of us.

@maddiea22 No such thing :slight_smile:

@maddiea22 And eating ice cream either way, ha!

@minimalist how were you notified? congrats.

I just called FedEx. There’s a nationwide tracking problem, they said. However, they said I do have a package coming! Woohoo!

Good point! Ice cream is both celebratory and crying food, in my book @minimalist

@zeebee619 Keeping fingers crossed this is the opposite of last year (:

@onthewestfence Thank you! I live in CA, so the packages came early for me. It seems as though they sent them out yesterday.

Yay @rulerMA yay that you’re getting in somewhere, and yay that I might still get in!!

@minimalist ur on the east coast, correct?

Yay!!! @rulerMA congrats!

@rulerMA HOORAY! Celebratory ice cream for everyone!!

@maddiea22 , keep your head up! You never know what might happen. :slight_smile:

@onthewestfence No, I live in California.