M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Congrats!!! @junemaybees

Congrats @junemaybees, @LaxPrep, @2020person, @carpoolingma, and @coolkb! Wonderful news!

Anyone know when does Emma Willard come out?

Phillips Exeter - Wait list. I’m actually pretty proud.

@Center What does this mean for me? Do I have a chance to get off my waiting list? You know my application pretty well.

Woke up early and saw that DD was accepted to Brooks! So happy! Hoping the snail mail brings good news from Tabor. Even though we live 1 hr away it didn’t arrive yesterday like I expected.

Headline reads…“You’re IN” from Deerfield! Just woke up DD to tell her she has something to read! ;:wink: What a long night

@SculptorDad, sorry for the disappointing news last night, hope today brings some positive news for your amazing daughter!

Accepted at Peddie and Deerfield!

Congrats LaxPrep!

Congratulations!!! @blue77skidoo you should be very proud of your DD

Does anyone know if they send out acceptances first in their window of a few hours?

Wow we are four for four. In at Deerfield, Exeter, Hotchkiss, and St. George’s!!

@swimgyrl @blue77skidoo (and anyone else who knows) Do the Deerfield emails not all come at the same time? Or are acceptances first and rejections/waitlists later? Haven’t gotten an email :frowning:


You have to make an account on their portal thing, they sent out an email like a week ago with instructions @Bleu2020

Heartfelt congratulations to @junemaybees, @LaxPrep, @2020person and @coolkb and @MAandMEmom . So happy for all your families!

Just found out that was accepted to Hotchkiss as well. Once again, very humbled. Congratulations to all who have good news and good luck to everyone waiting.

@Bleu2020 Go into the email they sent you about M10 a few days ago.

We got 2 emails of the same info, so the system might be a bit wonky.

I’m not sure how Deerfield (or any of the schools really) send the order of acceptance, WL or rejection. We received a WL from Williston last night via email and a rejection this morning from Berkshire.


Not to scare you but when I was rejected from Deerfield last year my email came in quite late. I have yet to receive the email so far this year and am getting quite nervous. Let’s hope they are doing it alphabetically :wink: