M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@asdf789 Preparation? Do you mean planning all the schools and whatnot? If so, I was not prepared at all…

@Rathgar 7!

Haha oh, yes preparation is what I ment. Well all we can do now is wait! @minimalist

16 days!!
I’m actually managing to stay calm… :smiley:

@Anonymousia Yeah, same for me. Im not as paranoid as I was in like January…

In January, I was just too stressed getting the actual applications in than to stress about the decisions… I was so worried about if the schools got the stuff I mailed to them that I sent loads of emails that were unanswered, until I figured out that the schools had websites where I could check my Application materials status online :smiley: :-w :-&

Well, it’s great that you made sure; it’s better to be safe than sorry. I think this calmness will be temporary. There is a calm before every storm, after all.

It feels like so far away, but it’s just 14 days left and everything is terrifying now!!

Hi all - starting to feel the stress on this end - I heard from a friend that some schools have already sent acceptance packages out - these are NOT the big schools you hear about on this board - more day schools and such. I also heard that some schools will let you know a few days before M10 - anyone heard of this?
would be great to hear before M10!

This is so weird; I looked at the 2015 M10 Freakout thread and they were on the hundredth page of posts by this time last year…
@Rathgar I know that last year Exeter accidentally sent out acceptance letters (I’m not sure if they sent all or some) early on m9 instead of m10

@Anonymousia I know - I was thinking the same thing - where is everyone? Is it possible nobody knows about these boards? Didn’t anyone from last year who didn’t get in to the school of their choice apply again?
Would love to get an active board going - helps to know others are in the same situation. I don’t know anyone applying to BS so this is the only place I can go to find people who understand what I’m going through.

@Rathgar - I am lurking on the freak out thread as I impatiently wait for M10 to roll around, but I am a parent so it feels strange to post here. I have not pointed this site out to my child who, if I remember correctly, is applying to a day school and a boarding school on your list. Best of luck!

I’m a parent (AND freaking out) and my current 8th grade daughter has applied to 7 schools. She doesn’t post here but I’ve shared with her several helpful threads along the way. The waiting is very hard and I’m sure super hard for all the prospective students. Its interesting that my DD received an email just yesterday from a coach (non TSAO school) with general conversation about current students recent performances in said sport. Communication from coaches at TSAO stopped just before February 10 and at that was more from current team members – likely a TSAO strategy to stay in touch with applicants??

Last night I told my wife and daughter that it’s two weeks away now. Both got upset because they were able to put it completely out of their mind and I put it back in there.

TSAO coaches have been responding to my daughter’s updates about tournaments, but she is the one who sends the updates, i.e. initiates the conversation. She tells me that she has noticed a consistency such that a few coaches are always very elaborate in their responses, while a few others are always “Great, thanks. Good luck!” I’ll be curious to see if that corresponds to outcomes on M10.

@Rathgar It’s probably because this thread is in the Cafe, where less people go to read threads. Additionally, the people in last year’s freak-out thread talked about way more than just March 10.

Last years thread is darkly humorous. We just assume no acceptances and will be thrilled should we be wrong…

To be honest, I am hoping for a rejection so that I don’t have to spend the money. The worse case scenario is the approval with low aid that then moves it into the gray area.

Laenen: I kind of feel the same way. BS isnt the only option for. Smart kid to get a great education and do well. We will just go with the flow. It has worked out before for us but never say never

We feel the same way. It would be a fabulous opportunity to pursue her many passions at a higher level but she will still do fabulously at home too. At our LPS she would be in good contention for valedictorian – obviously not an option should she go to BS. For her, I believe college options would be similar and may depend on her desire to pursue her sport at a D1 level. Right now she says no, but you never know in three to four years.