M10 Freakout Thread 2016

I agree, the upside to BS rejections are many.

  1. As a parent you get 4 more years with your child
  2. You save a lot of money -- the private DS DC applied to is probably 100k less over the 4 years
  3. They may have a better shot at elite colleges because they will have a higher class rank.
  4. They will almost certainly have a higher GPA
  5. It might be less stressful for them. They have their whole lives to be stressed out and overworked!
  6. Right now I can't even imagine my kid getting derailed by alcohol, drugs etc, but I know it does happen. If my kid is at home I feel I have better control over that risk. We are a close family and we are very involved in the DS and we know those families, too. It may be illusory but it feels like more control if they are home.
  7. They finally have a setback to write about in essays!

Love #7!

i am right there with you @6teensearch

Ummm… If this is the calm, where is the storm? :-/ Maybe it’ll happen after m10, when most people get their decisions. Or maybe the night before. Anyone pulling an all-nighter on m9 like last year??

I mean I am really hoping for a TD. I am not in the camp where that is not a bad alternative. I am praying for a turn down. $200000 compounded will mean I retire several years earlier! I haven’t told my son that is how I feel. And I tried really hard on the essay and creating a stinking home school transcripts but deep down …

What’s a TD?

An all nighter? Why?

Sounds like someone is looking for more drama in his (or is it her?) life… :wink:

No all nighter for this mom. Last year’s thread was super interesting though. I don’t think any of the schools for which my daughter has applied notify at 12 am.

Touch Down if we are taking football. But if someone is wishing someone not to go to school then it would be a Turn Down. :slight_smile:

I mean, I’m not going to be the one pulling an all-nighter this year because all my decisions come after 6am, but some ppl did it in the past sometimes because some schools give notifications earlier in the morning. Or they’re just too excited… But just curious if anyone’s doing it this year…


Be honest with your child. I would feel very hurt if I knew that my parents were rooting against me. It’s one thing to have a conversation about your financial situation, it’s another to secretly hope that a project they have worked very hard on fails.

@anonymousia I am going to try to stay up M9 to 10 - hope others are here as well -

13 days, 19 hours, 3 minutes !! LETS GOOOOOO

Well, for me, it’s 13 days, 4 hours, and 4 minutes!! Which one is it? BTW, I live on the east coast

@LaxPrep – are you a parent? forgive I can’t tell because if you are then this is probably obvious but in case your not let me throw something out there. This could be just me but do you know how many times a parent roots against child. For example Sometimes they root against a child’s best friend because he/she is toxic (bully, mean girl, class clown – fill in the blank). or Sometimes they root against your relationship because … (see above reasons).

In any of those circumstances, it is best just to support your child without reservations. My son is a teenager now and needs to work out his decisions. I am here if he asks what I think otherwise I am merely Driving Miss Daisy to his next EC activity.

Just to be clear in case I wasn’t – I am not rooting for his failure. He (and I as a home schooling parent) have worked very hard to get him to the place he needed to be to put forth a strong application so I wish him success. If he gets in – I am happy for him. I am just a little bit happier and much wealthier if he doesn’t. :slight_smile:

@Rathgar , I’m fairly certain there are more ppl applying to BS, just look at the chances thread. I really doubt I’m going to stay up all night on m9-m10 because I have school and there’s really no point for me to do so; all of my notifications will coming after 6am on m10. Maybe not many of the ppl applying to boarding schools this year know about this thread? I’m not sure… Maybe people like @minimalist or @hillchoatelville will stay up with you?

You’re right, there really are barely any applicants on this thread… Would hate for you to stay up all night from m9-m10 on your own… but just in case,

BUMP for all the applicants applying to BS this year!

Unfortunately, I don’t think I will be staying up all night; I have school that day. I’ll probably be able to have a better hold on my emotions with some sleep. IMO, not sleeping can only be a hindrance. No matter how happy you may be, you’ll still be dead tired and won’t be able to celebrate to the fullest. If there is no good news, you’ll just be a moody and exhausted student.

I’ve been stalking numerous social media accounts associated with the schools I’ve applied to. The agonyyy.

I live in the east coast too, but I just set my end date as march 10, 2:40 PM because that’s when I get off from my school bus and check the mailbox!