M10 Freakout Thread 2016

i got into blair and millbrook!! :))

I’m into Exeter, WL at Deerfield, and more to come!

This year everyone gets in :frowning:

In at Princeton Day and Peddie. Only applied to those two so we are done.

I got into Hotchkiss, but was WL at Deerfield!

Congratulations @PrepEnthusiast @dreamingsky13739 @sandstorm2 @hemingwayman @zeebee619 Your families must be so proudd!!!

Been watching the thread in my waking hours.

Congrats to everyone getting good news. Comfort to those getting not so good news.

Two comments:

  • Realize that some families will have no good news today, so if you are among the lucky few who have gotten in to these extremely selective schools (in some cases, more than one), try not to gloat
  • Also, I think the official results and stats threads on the main board have been unlocked, so start posting there....this is, after all, only the "freakout" thread.

Congrats to everyone’s acceptances so far!!

Any junior on this thread?

@SevenDad Should we post if we havent gotten all results yet?

We have been lurking for months. Got the good news from Exeter today. Good luck to everyone still waiting.

Seeing eveybody getting a good news but here i am in school anxiously waiting for schools to notify me. This is a very nervewrecking experience. Did anyone get anything in the mailbox this morning from schools?

@zeebee619: That’s really up to you. In past years, some people have listed “Waiting On: SCHOOL X” and then come back to update (or not). Thinking back, I think I handled it both ways in the rounds my kids participated in.

We got the email from Exeter, too. Very exciting!
Is it your first choice?

@GEMTANG I’m a junior applying as junior! What about you?

Thank you so much!! @coolkb

Congrats to everyone and best of luck to those who are still waiting!!

Is it weird that I find it cool that ill be the last person on the decisions thread? (of course unless someone with the user starting with zo or zu will create an account)

Congrats! DS hasn’t decided yet, but he likes there very much. and you?

Hi~ I am also junior applying as well!! I saw you get into NMH (I did as well~ :D) Am I going to see you there?

@GEMTANG another junior who got into nmh here