M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Well, revisit day for juniors is on the 1st…so maybe we’ll get a chance to see each other then!


Waitlisted at Exeter and rejected at Hotchkiss
Im actually very happy with these results so far as a rising junior LOL

hey longtime lurker over here, but does anyone know how exeter sent out decisions?

@preppie16 We all got an email with an admissions music video.

Does anyone know if people who were waitlisted attend revisit days??

Going to Exeter …

I GOT INTO EXETER TOO!!! WOOHOO!! Now just waiting on FA… When does exeter send FA info??

UPS? FedEx?

@Anonymousia CONGRATS! Maybe I’ll meet you at Experience Exeter?

We’re suppose to get details tomorrow, according to the video. They just want us to celebrate today.

@junemaybees what’s experience exeter?

@junemaybees are you attending Hotchkiss revisit days? Or only Exeter?

has anyone gotten letters from milton yet? i want to meet you guys at the exeter revisits!! :slight_smile:

@Anonymousia Experience Exeter is Exeter’s revisit day! :slight_smile:

I got into Peddie :smiley:

@hemingwayman what grade are you in??

@letterofink CONGRATS!!!

lol. All these people got into Exeter so now I kinda feel bad. Rip. ;))

Waitlisted at Exeter :frowning: ah. Heartbroken, thought I did everything right.

@usastudent101 same. :frowning: