M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Anyone heard from Groton ?

Groton tells you in a portal at 6:00 PM EST @Laila11877

Yes I know I was wondering about fedex packages from them.

I don’t think that they send packages @Laila11877

So our mail carrier just came and went with NO MAIL FROM MILTON. I just called them and they have our address right. They sent out all letters at the same time. And they can’t give out any information via phone or email. My poor kid is going to be BUMMED to wait another 24 hours.

OMG!!! Fedex had just delivered while I was running after the mail carrier! Two packages. Middlesex and Milton. Yay!

Have any international students heard from Deerfield? Still waiting :frowning:

I am new to CC. Parent of 8th grader applying for 9th grade. We live in California. Wondering if anyone has heard from Thacher. If so, how did you hear? Emails supposed to go out at 4:00 p.m. PST today. But I am curious if letters were received yesterday for acceptances. Hard to wait.

Still no word from Andover? Has anybody gotten an acceptance?

Choate’s portal is now open. Another disappointing WL for DS.

I haven’t gotten a FedEx or anything besides a reminder to check my admissions portal today @bleepbopbloop

Choate was dd’s #1. A WL would have been better than rejection she has…

@SculptorDad, I feel your pain. How many more do you have? DS has only one left which is his first choice. I’m bracing for the heartbreak but you never know …

@CLNMOM, We have four more; Andover, Groton, Thacher and Milton. After 11 WL/Reject, my ego is thoroughly beaten down and my hope is not high. But she got accepted by North Country and Grier. She is blessed with the choices and I am very grateful. The remaining decisions coming in 2PM, 3PM, 4PM and in mail (PCT). Love their spreading out timing nicely, so I can be at edge all day.

@SculptorDad, keep hope alive!!!

Has anyone on the West Coast received anything from Andover?

@SculptorDad and @TKMama We received our orange envelope from Milton. It came via FEDEX.

@Shazam777 - I loved how you just narrated what happened at your house at 2:30. I have a picture of you running after the mail carrier and the FedEx person driving up with two packages. Collectively - this whole thing has made us a little crazy! Full disclosure - I just poured myself a gin/tonic and it’s not even 5:00!! LOL! Congratulations to the all the acceptances and for those of you still waiting (still waiting on Groton myself!) keep in mind how uniquely beautiful and talented each and everyone is who put themselves out there to apply for these positions.

I haven’t heard anything from St. Mark’s. Weird because it should come by email.

@SculptorDad I feel your pain…we have 5 w/l and 4 rejections today. I’m awaiting two more smaller schools in which I know one did a mailing, So that will be a few days. We also have two acceptances to two smaller hidden gems that we are waiting on FA information. The rejections and wait lists have definitely been an eye opener and a bit of a soul crusher.