M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@bleepbopbloop I think it comes out online at 5pm eastern time

Wondering if anyone has received their letter from Thacher?

@RuralAmerica Sorry to hear that. I thought I was emotionally ready for this but perhaps I wasn’t. But good luck with the remaining and FA!

@Center, Congratulations!

@SculptorDad. Thanks. Keep us posted.

@nvmommy Nothing from Thacher yet, but will be checking for their email at 4:00. We have had one rejection (Cate), and one WL (Ethel Walker). Still need to hear from Webb (CA) and Thacher. It has been a tough day.

@Shazam777 … congratulations !!! are you in MA or outside? and what is your kid’s preference??

Thanks @SculptorDad and good luck to you too!

Luckily we do love the two schools she has been accepted to and we’re feeling that “love the school that loves you”

way to go @itcannotbetrue @Shazam777 @VACAlover and @26443586 !

@Center, congratulations!

@RuralAmerica , "we’re feeling that “love the school that loves you” So am I. I am reading their facebook page now.

Choate, Choate, Choate!

My relative spends 50+% of his pre-tax income on two children’s tuition. He congratulate me dearly for Grier that offered generous FA.

@itcannotbetrue Congratulations!

@CLMOM, @ RuralAmerica, and @sculptor dad–Very much wishing the best for you and keeping your amazing kids in my thoughts today. :-*

@itcannotbetrue, congratulations!!!

My ego is bruised too. One acceptance to what we thought was an extreme safety. We cast a wide net as we have been warned but it still did not work out. 6 Wait lists and 4 Denials. For some reason I thought he would have choices.

I heard that Thacher is only sending letters for acceptance and WL. And supposedly those all went out earlier this week. So word is if we haven’t gotten a package in the mail yet, it will likely be a rejection email at 4:00 p.m. Hard to know if this is true. Hoping it is not.

As I wait for the final decision, I can’t help feel like I’m holding a lottery ticket - only a tiny bit of hope remaining.

Got accepted to Andover!!! I’m so elated right now! I only applied to NMH, Exeter, and Andover, and got waitlisted at NMH and Exeter. I was dreading today but I got the package in the mail!!!