M10 Freakout Thread 2016

The portal is back up. We have a wait list.

Oh, ok thank you @Ifc1535 what did it have in it?

@hillchoatelville I’m so happy for you! Congrats also to @eldredgeknot and @llewon !!

Andover WL

Wait listed at Andover. Rejected at Groton. That’s it. Do we wait till next September and do the whole thing again? Or do we try to contact some other schools?

I’m a FA applicant from the south. What are my chances of getting off the waiting list at Exeter, Andover, or SPS. I got waitlisted at all 3… I thought I had great stats. I’m honestly devastated right now. Boarding School started off as something I just wanted to try for, but it became such a thought of mine to the future. I am applying as a repeat 11th. I don’t know what to do now. Can someone be realistic with me here past the letter they send you, do I even have a chance?

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and emotions. We wish everyone the best. The application process was a journey and we learned a lot about ourselves and we are better people for it.

We were one of the lucky ones to get accepted at Andover.

CONGRATS @Bostondad11 !!! I

@Bostondad11 what was the subject line of the email?

Thank you @zeebee619.

@usastudent101 I’m sorry to hear that. You tried your best. I applaud you for applying as a repeat 11th grader because that is a very hard thing to do.There is always a small chance that you’ll get in,but don’t get your hopes to high, because then you could just end up feeling disappointed again. Just remember that you did what a lot of people don’t do, and that this is practice for college. Turn this lesson into a positive learning experience. If you really really want to apply for boarding school before college, some schools like Choate offer PG programs. Keep your head up high! No matter what, you are still an awesome student.

27 minutes til Thacher announcement. But I am so crushed it doesn’t even excite any more.

Thatcher sends it out at 7:03? Thats so random.

I’m extremely honored to say that I’ve also been accepted by Choate and Andover.

To all those who are experiencing WLs and rejections, please know that boarding school isn’t the end. It might feel crushing right now, but later on, it’ll serve to be a valuable lesson. Don’t dwell on the past. Instead, live in the present. It might take a long time for the wound to heal, but we bear those scars as a testament of what we’ve been through.

@minimalist THATS AMAZING!!!


Thank you so much for the comment! I am very grateful for users like you in the college confidential community. The support I have received over the last two years has been truly remarkable. :slight_smile:

@zeebee619 Thank you! I hope everything is well on your end, too!

@zeebee619, Thacher sends it at 4:00PM, Thacher time.

Did anyone get into Groton? I wonder if a lack of presence of @stargirl3 lessened the applicant pool?