M10 Freakout Thread 2016

smaller schools in NJ and PA

Well from what I have gathered; if they truly are small schools, like not in the top 50 they may not abide strictly to the M10 dates. I think I saw on another thread that you are applying as a junior, I am too!

yes, I worry about the idea that there may not be as many openings for juniors - I just have to try to keep my mind off of all of it

the calmness has faded! Last night I had a dream about m10… I woke up, went to school, and checked my email after school to see a decision email in my inbox! But when I opened it, the words were blurred and I couldn’t read what it said @-) Hopefully that doesn’t happen on actual m10!

I am doing the same @Rathgar, it’s just so hard to get in as a junior. Guess we will find out soon enough. :-S

But yes calmness has defiantly passed!!! It’s all freak out on my end too :wink:


the countdown is real…

I’ve never gotten this excited for M10, not even last year when I applied for 9th grade. Every couple of hours my mom shouts at me from across the house: “Only ‘x’ more days! Can you believe it?”

@Rathgar I’m pulling an all-nighter too! I won’t be able to sleep, lmao.

DS and his friends who are also applying to various schools and programs were calm as can be and seemed to put this whole thing out of their heads…until this weekend. Now it is a regular skype/oovoo topic along with madden, hearthstone and homework assignments. We are all ready for March 10!

@junemaybees – your mother is cruel! :slight_smile:

Oh my gosh; I’ve been stalking Andover’s admission’s Instagram for the past week (andoveradmissions). There was this one photo where the committee was gathered around this table where, I presume, applications are read!

I just peeked too @minimalist and even saw myself and DD in the audience at a Day with Andover:)

well it’s March and we’re down to single digits!!!

@Rathgar The end is nigh!!

Nigh indeed

Those who have applied to NMH know that decisions will be announced on March 8 at 7 am EST.

@GoatMama . That’s nice! We regret not applying there. Have heard wonderful things about the school

Here is something to freak out about: http://www.sps.edu/page/News-Detail?pk=838151&fromId=189009

do you think this trend of increased applicants applies to all schools? even the small, more local schools hardly mentioned on this board?

I have heard that applications are up in very specific demographics.

The least selective school my DC applied to showed 50% acceptance rate on Boarding School Review, but the Admissions director said they got more than 600 applications (for 100 spots) so I think that is more than usual! Or it means their yield is 30%. I would ask what their yield is, but no point doing that now, 9 more days to go!!