M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@laenen you’re the parent! If BS is going to cause undue financial hardship, then you just say No! I would never risk my long term finances for a luxury like BS. There is still college and probably grad school to finance. As a parent, you try and do your best, but if you have Homeschooled your kid you can always continue to do so. Life is a marathon and sending your kid to BS when It means sacrificing long term financial goals may mean you might not have the ability to financially help if/when needed when he is an adult. You sure have more patience than me, and are far less selfish. I hope it all works out for your child - and you!

@hillchoatelville You won’t be checking it at school? Or during the morning?

@minimalist I want to have ‘the moment’… you know… I don’t think Im even gonna bring my phone that day because I know I would be so tempted to check it and be emotional lol

You have a lot of self-control. My mom just says to rip it off like a band-aid and get it over with. :open_mouth:

Will you be telling anyone besides your parents afterwards?

Hey! Can I jump into this discussion too?

I have questions about M10 decisions

@VACAlover – My son is not applying to BS. He is applying to day school. However, I never said that it is going to cause undue stress. I said it will delay my retirement just like helping him with his college cost will do.

@maddiea22 Hello! Let the questions fire away—we will our the best to answer them.

@minimalist once I get my acceptance, I will tell people… It will be hard though

@minimalist Thank you! I was just wondering how decisions are given on March 10: email, mail? I’m applying to Deerfield, Choate, Hotchkiss, The Gunnery, and Andover. Any info is appreciated from anyone

@maddiea22 Choate is via gochoate at 3pm and Hotchkiss is at 7am. Those are the only ones I know because I’m applying to.

Check the beginning of the thread.

@hillchoatelville If you don’t mind me asking, why?

People keep asking how specific schools notify applicants about decisions on March 10. This question has been answered in the past, including in this very same thread. I’m copying the link for those who wouldn’t scroll back a few pages to find it.

@minimalist its nothing big. Just that when I say I will be leaving them, their reactions will going to hurt me I guess (If i worded that right haha)… I havent told them yet, just because Im not sure if I am accepted to any schools.

Aw, well I’m sure you’ll try to keep in touch with them, @hillchoatelville ! And besides, there are many breaks during the school year!

BTW, my profile picture is for those that anxiously await M10 :wink: Bee-lieve, everyone, bee-lieve!

Hi everyone,
This waiting is getting old … I keep imagining opening portals and seeing waitlist, declined, or getting that skinny envelope in the mail
will any school let you know of March 9? or maybe 8?

I agree @Rathgar , I can’t wait!!! I am getting so nervous, but I haven’t heard about the big schools saying anything early. At least the main ones like PE, AE, ect have to wait until March 10th. What schools are you applying to?