M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Awesome advice, thank you! @MAandMEmom
And yes, that’s what I’m trying to do! @Atria

The article about revisit 2016 is currently trending on our student newspaper website.

I see you.

Sorry, what? Can you explain? :slight_smile:

On a bright note, only 8 days until the last app is due! Nearly time to commence the waiting game and (inevitable) freakout :slight_smile:

7 days for me @SeattleDreamer … Ughh last day of finals is today … then its a week of freedom…
Freedom which shall be spent waiting and counting down to m10… Simultaneously wishing for it to hurry up and hoping it never comes :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m kinda just trying to remove Thacher from my mind right now and focus on other stuff… I’m trying to learn a new language!

Ooohh which one @magicthecat

Esperanto :slight_smile: @Atria

@magicthecat I have a feeling anxious applicants like you guys are the reason the revisit story is trending.

lol @ stargirl
Nope not even going there… Ughh… CC is like a reprieve and curse at the same time…
watching your hopes soar… and your self esteem plummet.

Aha, I see. Funnily enough, I’m not freaking out and I have no clue why! @stargirl3
Are you at bs right now? Where did you apply last year?

I’m sort of nervous, but I’ve basically been telling myself that I’m not going to get in and that it’s been great practice for college apps- hopefully once my last teacher finishes her rec I can put all this behind and focus on school 100%… although M10 lowkey can’t come soon enough

@stargirl is an application’s warrior, a CC legend, and waitlist success story… How do you not know? :wink: :))… Have you not read past threads… LOL… anyways, I believe she is attending Groton…

Ahaha I remember you @stargirl3 ! I read the past freakout thread. Congratulations on Groton!

Still 40 days @magicthecat :-SS
Focus on that new language :wink:

I am so nervous about M10, I only applied to Lawrenceville and I am not feeling very confident (applying for 11th grade) I don’t know what to do to keep my mind off it

Yeah, that’s pretty competitive. I only applied to one school too!
I’m just trying to forget about it. There’s only about six weeks left, but it’s good not to obsess over counting down. That’s always helped me.


Wow, this is a remarkably quiet freakout thread!

Lol, yeah it is. I’m banning(starting tomorrow) myself from CC till February 23 so I can focus on life, my family, friends, and other stuff. I think I can do it, I’m hoping that in limiting my time on CC I won’t think about BS or admission decisions.

On the bright side, the hustle and bustle of finishing applications officially ends tomorrow! I’m excited to put this season behind (for this year) and be able to focus more on school.