M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@Atria nice, I probably will too- 52 days!

I sell art I draw, basketball, Production Assistant in plays, lots of community service, cross country, high school creative writing classes, ride, volunteer at Latin Convention, and also student panel and ambassador. @SeattleDreamer

Seems like everyone is super qualified! Best of luck to you guys.

hope so :slight_smile: good luck to you too! @SeattleDreamer

it’s so funny that this chat is currently just us three @atria @SeattleDreamer

@Atria I play tennis too ahah are you good?

@nikolaanna Quite good; not part of team/club bc we move alot (like every year) but I can hold my own against college players…
@magicthecat lol its seems only we are this early at the freakout… probably pick up at the last 30 days…

That’s so cool, @atria !

So quiet today!

maybe this year we are a calmer bunch = less freaking out…
hmmmmmmm … no

definitely not. i think we’re all too busy with essays and things to freak out (yet) @Atria @magicthecat

ughh… I have finals…done with the essays :wink: @LilyPatrick

So am i! ugh finally XD @Atria

@LilyPatrick it’s about 49 days and 2 hours away!!! I have a countdown on my desktop lol

@nikolaanna I’ve got one that just counts down the school days, haha. 36 school days left!

school days rly @SeattleDreamer ? :)) Hmm… any reason why?

@Atria that’s also the day my school lets out for spring break (and concludes the 3rd term) so it just makes it seem like it’s coming up faster haha

I’m just so conflicted because I don’t know whether to imagine myself getting in but be devastated on m10 or tell myself I won’t get in so I won’t be so disappointed :-??

I advise not going down the road of envisioning yourself on any one campus as decisions might prevent that OR you get in and on revisit day your whole vision of the school changes. Live for today and pick up something new to do between now and then!

Same @magicthecat
I lean towards the latter though :))