M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Remember, whether you get in or not, the place you end up at is the place you’re meant to be at.

@Nico.campbell good luck! i applied to 5 schools

If you don’t get in it might be for the best. Possibly a blessing in disguise. These schools are not everything that you imagine.

While I agree that BS is not for everyone and not getting would not be the end of the world… your post was interesting…
Care to expand on/explain your post above? @AliceWon

I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but what I took away from your post is that some of these schools look better than they might be in reality, but that’s life I suppose. But please explain what you meant. @AliceWon @Atria

@Atria @magicthecat if people knew the toxic environment at many of these schools they might realize that there can be (not will) significant negatives depending on the applicant. The political environment is so extremely dogmatic, liberal, that many students feel disenfranchised. Males get punished and expelled at much higher rates that females due to draconian /extreme policies that treat males with a double standard with regard to sex or gender disputes. Female students are given the benefit of the doubt. Males are guilty. Females can almost never be at fault. These schools are filled with type A, very smart, socially savvy, adept and aggressive students. Less mature students can be at a huge disadvantage. Or get eaten alive. My point is that they are not the academic idylls of the mythology.

@Center I know that you qualified your post about what can happen at boarding school, but I do want to reiterate here that probably some supermajority of kids have a very positive overall experience at boarding school. Certainly no school is without its challenges, but for most their strengths far outweigh the negatives. Hopefully the kids and their families have done their homework in learning about where they have applied. One has to trust too that the ao’s are being thoughtful about who they believe will be a good fit for their schools. As @GoatMama has said elsewhere on this forum: “gotta trust the Sorting Hat!”

@AppleNotFar I agree with you in general. These schools have changed a lot over the years. What should be somewhat safe spaces to learn, mature and even screw up (significant problems a separate issue of course) have become dangerous minefields in many ways.

Really @Center ? Do you think this is common attitude in US boarding schools?
Most places I have lived in (various US states, and other countries) have the opposite bais.
My dad and his siblings all went to BS, but my aunts went to single sex BS because of the (supposed) gender bias against them in a co-ed…
I take the above with a grain of salt considering that was a long time ago and not a US BS. I am applying to only co-ed schools and so far thought that gender bias is roughly equal…

Hmmm… anyways, interesting post …

I can’t speak to BS, but my son experienced/observed a lot of the gender bias described above in middle school (particularly 7th grade), which was a factor in his desire to attend a single sex high school. As the Mom of a boy, it’s disappointing, but I would not be surprised to see the same in a co-ed boarding school (or any high school, for that matter).

Hmmm… very interesting @CTMom21
Never rly knew that such a strong bias existed until today… The only bias I have rly seen is based on influence or money…
I have schooled mainly in different east coast and west coast states and never rly saw it demonstrated…
In fact the only time I recall a severe punishment was when a boy (publicly) harassed a girl with several lewd and discriminatory statements… In which case it was generally accepted as a well deserved punishment…

Then again I can see how current climate can encourage such a bias (with pro liberal, minority and gender equality movements)…

Food for thought…

Nothing nearly that dramatic in middle school! What he sees is things like boys getting yelled at for whispering during class, while girls get away with being very disruptive, walking around, talking amongst themselves, etc. during class without any teacher reaction, or a boy getting a “0” on partially complete homework while a girl gets full credit for the same amount of completed work. I also heard of girls getting away with giving an answer to a classmate on a quiz while a boy who did the same thing was (justifiably, of course) disciplined. Compared to sexual harassment, these are relatively minor things, but the pattern makes an impression on a well-behaved kid who has to work very hard for his grades. It can also of course be specific to certain teachers, so I don’t intend to unfairly generalize.

Personally, in my experience, that doesn’t happen at my school. At least at my school, the students have to work equally hard to achieve the same grade. I don’t think it depends on whether you’re a boy or girl. But perhaps that’s just my school.

Boarding schools are predominantly liberal and males are presumed guilty when accused of any kind of sexual misconduct? Color me shocked.

In other news that should come as a surprise to no one, it is 30 days un

Boarding schools are predominantly liberal and males are presumed guilty when accused of any kind of sexual misconduct? Color me shocked.

In other news that should come as a surprise to no one, it is 30 days un

Well, that was more relevant to the discussion when I first tried to post it 5 days ago. Is there some probationary thing around here where you have to have so many posts approved before you can

Not that I know of @Korab1 … Shouldn’t have happened… Is it still happening?

One of my posts got deleted too…

Mine too @magicthecat
Was it the one that said how many days left? I did one too…
Posts were probably deleted because they would have become repetitive…

Yep it was.
But isn’t that kind of the point of the freakout thread…? :-?



There’s a difference between expressing your hopes, dreams, and fears (which is the purpose of the thread) and filling the thread with spam.