M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Oddly poetic @skieurope
Lets get right on it ;)…

Hope: Going to boarding school… (or getting an education which challenges me, makes me grow, and provides opportunities to try new things_

Dreams: Waking up on M10 and not have my heart skewered by the slew of rejection letters…

Fears: Waking up on M10 and having my heart skewered by the slew of rejection letters…

No definitely not. I noticed last time that there is a little box that flashes up after I attempt to post saying that it will post when it has been approved. Weird. I have been on a lot of Internet forums and have never had the probationary period last so long. Usually just a post or two to make sure you aren’t a bot. It’s annoying and makes me not want to come back.

Haha ok:

Hopes: To go to Thacher!

Dreams: Riding my horse bareback in the hills of the Thacher School, with a friend.

Fears: I’m at a good place now, so I’m not too afraid, but I’m worried I am less prepared for a rejection than I feel like I am. I’m worried I’ll be rejected and have all my self-confidence crushed!

Well played on the “dreams” category, @Atria. You gave me a nice laugh and reminded me of my least favorite dream, one that I had years ago but remember to this day. I once dreamed I won many millions of dollars in the Lotto, and in the initial haze of waking up, that dream still felt real. I remember well the pain of my realization…

Oh my… =))

@CaliPops I would say how terrible and sympathize… Just after I stop laughing …

I have two backup plans now and am now officially ending my freakout (oh who am I kidding… I will still freakout) 8-|

What are your guys’ backups… in case the unmentionable happens?

I plan to either continue on in my LPS or attend the prep school I was accepted in last year…

I go to a wonderful K-12 school at the moment, so even if I didn’t get in to Thacher, I’d be in a great place.

@Atria Oh god I think I’m just going to attend the local public high school here if I do get rejected/ waitlisted and apply to BS next year. I really really hope I get accepted though because I live out in the countryside and there’s almost nothing here I can engage in that could fruitfully impact my life in the next four years of high school.

I do have a “depressed state after rejection” recovery plan though :)) I’m gonna urge my parents to let me meet up with old friends in the city and I have a list of movies to watch =D

I’m so nervous! I’ll have to attend my LPS if I don’t get accepted, but it’s not the best. I only applied to one school because it was really the only place where I felt I could truly thrive (and I’ve been in love with it since I was 8 :wink: ). M10 is just so far away!

My backup plans are to go to my current private school, or go to a better public school, either way my parents are fine with whatever… Just that I’m not. If all the schools I applied reject me I’m gonna go cry myself a flood

LOL @HhopefulFforSsuccess2021
Last year my “depressed state after rejection” plan consisted of ice cream (lots and lots of ice cream) and watching Netflix…Sigh…

Awww @swimmer0521
I know this is over said here on CC but it will be okay and if a school doesn’t accept you maybe it wasn’t right for you anyway. Love the experience (cuz in a couple years you are going to have to do it again :wink: )…

Have a “depressed state after rejection” plan like @HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 AND have a “elated/disbelieving/high on sugar sate for after acceptances” plan.

M10 is creeping up quicker than I expected!

@Atria Omg yes at the “elated/disbelieving/high on sugar sate for after acceptances” plan. I’m one of those people who become very proud when I succeed at something and sometimes it turns into a big ugly lump of bragging. I really try to control it though and if I do get accepted I’m quite afraid I’ll start acting like that so yes definitely going to have a plan for that.

And also if I get accepted I’m going to be so sad because I’ll have to leave my close and loved ones! I will definitely spend as much time as I can with family and friends if granted admission. Also try not to slack off at school just because the future seems pretty set at the moment. I’ve been convicted at doing that :-q

Guys these ssat scores confuse me and just make me even anxious. Pls help me like I have 2202 in Ssat and I have applied to Phillips Andover, Deerfield and Choate. Chance me pls. I am applying for grade 11 and I am from india.

It might be hard, because 11th grade is highly competitive at these schools. However, coming from India is a big plus for you, as many of these schools love having students from all over the world.
I wouldn’t worry about the test score, because that’s not what will get you into these schools.
If you want, you can tell us some more stats you have, which will help us chance you better.
Good luck! @Shouvik

@magicthecat i kinda have a thread about that maybe you can check it outhttp://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-chances/1953463-chances-of-getting-into-choate-phillips-andover-deerfield-help-please-p1.html

I have said it before and I will repeat it: these schools are but one path. If you dont get in to your preferred school or even any school at all. List all the positives to staying where you are: money, family, community, other opportunities; being more highly ranked at your current school. There is almost always an upside and downside to every decision or path.

I read this somewhere on CC and I thought it was a wonderful piece of advice that I’ve remembered;
Nothing is as good or as bad as it seems.

last year when i got waitlisted from sps, groton, andover, and exeter, i was like. huh. well, i better reapply. i honestly was sad for like 5 minutes and then started school again LMAO

Don’t you guys feel like it a much calmer batch of applicants this year?
I mean only 200 posts (compared to last year 1.4K)…
We are having a contained freakout :wink:
(lol me and @magicthecat are the most frequent though… I wonder what that suggests -> ~X( :-SS )

Then again maybe we just need a bit more time before our crazy shows…