M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Yep, we’re all much quieter than previous years…

I agree… we’ll see what happens when March rolls around though :wink:

Fourteen days! I just heard back from my safety and I got in! My Asheville interviewer said they might push it to the 15th this year. AHH I can’t wait :-B

Where are you guys applying? My top choice is Asheville :stuck_out_tongue:

the only school i was allowed to even bother with was andover :confused:

andover and exeter :slight_smile:

good luck guys! aside from asheville i took the “hidden gem” route :-bd @lnpakuto its a shame that’s the only school you could’ve applied to. i considered applying, but my ssat scores were pretty weak

Today I heard back from CATS Academy Boston! I was accepted! :">

Nice! @twentyscholar What’s Asheville?

It’s a boarding school in NC. It isn’t discussed on CC as much as the others

Oh cool! Good luck! @twentyscholar

Good luck to you too!! :-bd

Congrats on getting into CATS!

Good luck on your other schools…

How do you think your recommendation letters are?

Math: pretty good, since i do competitive math and my teacher knows i did extremely well on the AMC 8 this year, but i don’t pay attention in class (since she gave me permission to self-study in class) so i don’t know if she could speak about social skills with other classmates

English: my teacher likes me a lot, but she’s a relatively new teacher with not much experience (only 3 years) and she didn’t know me as well during the beginning of the year, so I guess it’s okay, at the least.

Personal: excellent, I had my figure skating coach write it and she really likes me because of my work ethic

Special Interest: also excellent, I had my violin teacher do it and he likes me because I love puns (and I’m decent at violin too)

I got to read mine and they were great!

Math: Got to read mine and they were wonderful (pretty sure they were better than last year’s)
English: Blind but teacher loves me…
Personal: Didn’t read it but had my science teacher do it… He absolutely adores me and I am (in his words) his best student… So probably my best rec…
Special Interest: Read mine (got it done by my art instructor) and was good as well…

We probably will write our stats and details (like these) in the Official Stats and Decisions thread (on the main forum) when the decisions come out…

I am sure you are all stellar young people and applicants but i think that by and large applicants have great recommendations. My son’s English teacher hated him I am quite sure but her recommendation was ridiculously good (we learned after the fact). Just a grain of salt.

I got an unofficial acceptance letter from Williston Northampton !!! It said that they were very impressed with me and hoped to see me on their campus. !!

@ sanjit1451 wow. That is amazing!