M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Wonderful!! @sanjit1451

@sanjit1451 Congrats!

Yup that’s true (most teachers don’t want to be the reason an applicant didn’t get in)… but then a bad recommendation can really count that much against you…

English: didn’t read it
Math: very good, math is one of my favorite subjects
Personal: an alumna of one particular school I applied to wrote me an amazing recommendation

I am so freaking nervous. M10 is only 13 days away, wow. I am an international student and my interviewers said they have never had any students from my country.

Hey that might work in your favor :wink: :-?

I’m really nervous. While I got in to my school, I need substantial FA. I don’t get to go if I don’t get it, so I’m super nervous

Usually, if the school wants you, they’ll try their very best to get the FA you need :slight_smile: @CavsFan2003

And @nikolaanna , that’s an amazing thing going for you! You should be very happy about those comments :smiley:

@Atria I still need nearly full financial aid to attend :-/

Ahhh @nikolaanna
FA for international students is tough… But hold on… less than 2 weeks left :wink:

Let’s pass time:

What was the last song played on the device you are on now and what is the song that you have played most in the past week?

I’ll go first:

Song last played: World’s on Fire by Lots Holloway
Most played this week: River by Bishop Briggs

Song last played: White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes
Most played this week: 17 by Youth Lagoon

Song last played: I forgot x)

Song most played:…pretty much all of Bruno Mars’ new album lol.

Song last played: Time by Pink Floyd

Song most played: I Walk the Line by Johnny Cash

Song last played: Spring Day by BTS

Song most played: The entire “You’ll Never Walk Alone” album by BTS haha

Well, I’m pretty nervous for March 10 since I don’t think I fare very well… not to mention, I only applied to Exeter (this concerned me after seeing so many people on CC recommend others to cast a “wider net”). And for those concerned about this, I only applied to Exeter because I wasn’t initially planning on applying to any boarding school, but my mind changed when I went to their summer session since I had a great experience. As for my application, I don’t think my application was bad at all, it’s just that it wasn’t outstanding. And from my understanding, Exeter really wants people who stand out or are amazing in at least one category. I also am really worried since I think I could’ve done better on my essays if I had more time, since I started quite late.

I’m just super confused! Sometimes I think I have a good chance and sometimes I think I have none at all. I guess I’ll know in a little less than two weeks.

Also, I’ve heard that this year is a less competitive year for applying to boarding schools? By the looks of this thread, it seems like it, but I’m not sure if this is true.

Based upon press releases from highly selective colleges touting record applications this year, I highly doubt it would be different for top boarding schools.

@jkookie - well let’s hope so. But wonder why that would be?

I don’t know how much of an impact it has because BS students make up such a tiny percentage of the total school population, but overall demographics indicate that the number of 8th grade age kids is falling and will continue to fall. I think that the end of population bubble has just graduated from high school.

At these top schools, however, I can’t imagine that it would make such a difference because there are so few seats and they are also popular with international students. In the absence of actual data from the schools, I’d speculate that it’s about the same as it has been for the top schools but perhaps getting weaker for the ones that are less well known. That opinion, of course, being nothing more than speculation!