M10 Freakout Thread 2017

My first interview was terrible, even though at the time I thought it went amazing… that was my second choice school , so I need to write an amazing essay @HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 the anxiety is real!!

@worriedaboutprepschool Ahh! I’m so sorry to hear about your interview. Good luck on your essays!!

I am taking SSAT in 6 days… UGHHHHHHHHH
I took the ISEE last I year, so I don’t even have any experience, and I am probably taking it only once

LOL I am just going to rant now :

OMG, my first interview is coming up and rly don’t know how I feel nervous, but not rly nervous… UGH
And I already did this last year! UGH, I feel nervous and at the same time I can’t wait, because I felt the interview was the strongest part of application… UGH… And I am pretty sure my best interview was my first one where I was nervous… And now I am like : WHY AM I NOT NERVOUS…WAIT I AM NERVOUS…WAIT NO I AM NOT…I AM NOT NERVOUS ENOUGH… WAAAAAAHHHHHHH…

UGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <- Sums up everything I am feeling… :-S

@Atria AHHH omg i feel you!!! Please try to stay calm during the SSAT!! Thats how I messed up-- I was in a worried mindset for the first half of the test and I had to skip so many questions due to that!

My interviews are coming up as well and I actually just denied an Exeter alumni for and interview TODAy because I felt like I wasn’t prepared and he hasn’t responded for 2 days and I feel like I offended him or something. >.<
Anyway…even though I don’t have interview experience, I just wanna say You do you!!! Just be yourself and answer the questions how you want to answer them ( because you don’t wanna get accepted into a school for not being you ;-;); anyway I think you’re going to do great. Good luck!!! I believe in you!

I’m an Asian female too (can we say ORM??) and applying for BS is so stressful…it seems as if literally everyone has an amazing set of ECs, super high test scores, etc. Honestly it’s so competitive- gotta work on those essays!! I had my interview wayyy back in September before I started reading these threads and now I’m super concerned that I bombed (I thought I did okay but looking back, I really wasn’t that impressive and I was quite stiff/nervous the whole time) yikess fingers crossed I can recover from that but idk…

LOL I am Indian, pretty sure that’s ORM (technically Asian right :P)
UGHH… Anybody here re-applying… I am just imagining the interviewer from one of the school I applied to last year be like : So why are you applying again?
Me: Ummmmm… Because I didn’t get accepted in BS last year?.. :-" X_X :-S

Quick question- is Texas+international background (previously lived in Canada+Norway) considered geodiversity?

The school will be able to report that they have students front x number of states, and Texas will be one.

The rest is what makes you interesting as an applicant so indeed it helps.

What about Ohio? @gardenstategal

Most schools like having students from a number of states. In Ohio, students from Ohio aren’t so exotic. In California or Connecticut, more so. Remember that geographic diversity is more likely to be a tie breaker with an equal candidate, not something that will propel you to the top of the list.

@gardenstategal I just saw your last comment. So…if I’m an applicant from Ohio applying to places in NE, would that contribute to their geographic diversity?

If they were deciding between you and your exact duplicate from ma or ny, it could give you the edge as those are two states that are well represented in NE BS, certainly more than Ohio. But you probably don’t have an exact duplicate, and so many other things that have to do with who you are (rather than where you’re from) will matter more. It is, though, one way to differentiate yourself a bit.

Ughhh… December SSAT is almost out :-SS ~X( :-SS

I don’t even know why I want to know so much…
It wasn’t this bad last year for ISEE… right? I think

for the verbal sections, really look into latin prefixes. it helps a great amount. good luck!

thats my problem too! i look at all these people with their profiles, and not getting accepted to the school i want to go… its unnerving.

hey, here’s a quick question: would the fact that im half chinese, half irish, and living in spain be counted as “geodiversity” in other words, would it be beneficial to my profile?

Yes @LilyPatrick that is diverse, but r u a US citizen abroad or an international applicant… If international its a bit different… I am a citizen aboard so :wink:

@Atria well, i am an international applicant…