M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@Atria @LilyPatrick what do yall think about dual citizenships? I’m an US and Canadian citizen (currently living in the US), but would I count as an international applicant?

@SeattleDreamer ooh. im not actually sure, im afraid im gonna have to pass that to @Atria for that one…

@SeattleDreamer my daughter is a dual citizen as well but I’m not sure how much of an impact it has. Canada I would probably say not so much. A small country from a far away place maybe a bit more. I think they would be more interested if the fact that you are a dual citizen has contributed to something unique about you.

Okay, thank you for your advice! @MAandMEmom

SAT/SSAT scores are out!! I was hoping to do better but oh well…

What percentile is considered to be a good score?

It all depends on the school(s) where you plan to apply and the rest of your “package.” If you are an URM or an impact athlete you could come in below the school’s average, and I think substantially. If your scores are say 10% points higher than the school’s average but you need financial aid, that’s usually a good fit as the school will love to have you on their campus. In the end, it just depends. I would be happy to give you advice on fit after having gone through this last year – you can PM me if you wish.

@LilyPatrick If you are an international applicant, geo-diversity applies but not to the same extent. It would be more applicable if you were US citizen. Now to make yourself stand you could mention (in interviews) that you have a unique heritage (something like: ‘I have grown up around 2 cultures and they have affected me by blah blah’)

@SeattleDreamer As far as I know, as long as one of your citizenship’s is a US citizenship, it will not matter (in fact might even add some of that 'geo-diversity me and LilyPatrick were talking about.) At the same time don’t count too much diversity if its our neighbor… CoughCanadaCough…I think this also applies to green card holders (Permanent Citizens as well.

@MAandMEmom Thanks for your help! I’m relying pretty heavily on my academics (pretty weak ECs, as seen on my chance me thread) and I’m an ORM in need of FA, so would a 1550 SAT be sufficient (in comparison to PA’17s 1400 mean)? Also, out of curiosity, how was your application experience?

@Atria Thanks! Perhaps I’ll play up my previous residency in Norway (or Texas geodiversity?) and how it influenced me etc. instead lol…

@SeattleDreamer what grade r you applying to?
and definitely mentions Norway and Texas…
It adds to your profile (speaking as a person who has done a LOT of traveling and has applied one before)

@Atria I’ll name drop those two in my application somewhere :slight_smile: I’m currently in 10th so most likely 11th, but along the way I’ve been advised that applying for 10th might increase my chances of getting in? I’m not sure that repeating would reflect well on my college application though so I’m still deciding… any thoughts on that would be much appreciated.

What is the total number of schools you apply to?

@Atria Ah, alrighty hen, but ive already done my interview :confused: i think i mentioned it, but im not 100% sure…

No. US citizens regardless of # of passports are counted as domestic.

@skieurope okay, thanks!

@SeattleDreamer I don’t have enough knowledge abt the intricacies of repeating a grade… however, I do know that a number of people do it and there are many many threads on CC regarding this…

@coolweather I am applying to 7 schools… It used to be 8 ;)… how bout u?

@LilyPatrick how many schools have u applied to? I am still not done with my interviews (UGGHH)…

I’ve read on here that at most every school there are very, very few spots for 11th grade (or whatever its called at X school) so applying as a repeat 10th grader will certainly increase your chances. That being said my daughter has a friend from her sport that was accepted as an 11th grader at Exeter. Her first two years were completed at a parochial high school. She’s not an URM or varsity player but appears to be a legacy (grandfather) from what I can tell. You just never know I guess…

@SeattleDreamer my daughter will have an impact as an athlete in her sport and has an interesting background. Her scores were in the vicinity of most of the schools so its hard to compare her exact situation. The best advice I can give is that if you hope to attend a boarding school in September, you must cast a wide enough net to have options come March 10.

@MAandMEmom okay, thank you very much for the advice! I’m currently 2 years ahead in school, so I think I might apply to repeat a grade.

@Atria I am a parent. I am helping an international student to apply. He applied to 10 schools.

@Atria as crazy as it seems, only one! My parents were beyond reluctant to let me apply to a boarding school in another country, so i had to push for one school, rather than many…