M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Yea I applied to Thacher last year almost solely based on their riding program… Their campus was amazing to, and it seemed to reflect a very tight knit community…

Do you both ride (cuz I do!) ? @Atria @SeattleDreamer

Also, did you get in, @Atria ?

I had some experience (camps, etc.) but no, I don’t take lessons or anything (but would like to) @magicthecat

nope… that was the only school that rejected me (out of 6) sooooo… lol but the visit was great so no hard feelings :smiley:
Yea I ride but not competitively (we used to own a couple horses)… never had the chance @magicthecat

aw :frowning: but glad about the visit! why are you re-applying if you got into 5 schools?

I ride but also don’t compete. I kind of dislike the showing world, and I just prefer riding horses to teach them and me. I always try to ride different school horses so I can learn to adapt to different horses. Have you two watched the thinklikeahorse channel on youtube? It’s very awesome and it’s taught me so much about herd mentality and how to “read” horse behavior. @Atria

You should take lessons! I also started with just some camp experience.
I actually first fell in love with riding at my camp, and this one horse, Chili. No one liked riding him but he was so good when I rode him for some reason. So when I go to camp in the summers I just spend my days on Chili!


@magicthecat I got waitlisted at BS and all others were day schools… but we moved (internationally) so I had to decline…
Not much of a youtuber… And I had to give away my horses to a relative so its been a long time since I have looked into horse stuff…

omg I have a similar story! @magicthecat … I rode my first horse (Lance… short for Lancelot) at this horse farm and nobody wanted to ride him because he was a retired grumpy racehorse… But he was really nice after he got used to you… And for all those (probably not many) people who wonder how to get a horse to like you: Like humans… food is the way to a horses heart :))

I see.
Aw I’m sorry about the horses. What are their names? @Atria

@magicthecat Lancelot II (named after Lance), Bambi, and Arabell

Yes! I agree. Carrots, particularly (but Chili literally runs me over if I have food).
I think there’s just something about my riding that really helped Chili for some reason. I think he genuinely enjoyed going on rides with me. He’s a western horse but I jumped him once over a fallen tree on a trail ride! He had a ton of fun that day. @Atria

lol Lance loved bananas (especially disgustingly overripe ones) all my other horses loved apples :wink:

Lol the m10 freakout thread has been reduced to a horse discussion… hmmm :))

Ah y’all make me want to get into riding XD but so little time…

Yummm, overripe bananas!

You really should ride! @SeattleDreamer
I stopped for a while because I was stressed over my app. But i’m riding this weekend

@magicthecat I’d love to but I don’t have enough time during the school year (swim practice man), and especially during app season- I’m hoping to pick it back up during the summer though! Have fun this weekend :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, what are y’alls ECs?

@SeattleDreamer Bunch of community service, art, debate/oration society, tennis… lol I will probably post all my EC’s on the annual Prep School Stats/ECs thread that is opened after M10…