MAC2312 - Chui or Keeran

<p>Which teacher should I attend lectures for?</p>

<p>I've heard good things about both of them, any opinions?</p>

<p>Chui. She’s so nice and funny and understanding. I love her anologies, too. She gives like 30-40 extra credit points (20 out of class and ~6 on each test). The class is out of 550 points, and 495 to get an A. So you can miss like 80 points. Pretty easy class. Really really easy class if you do the suggested homework. Don’t know much about Keeran, though.</p>

<p>Keeran is better than Chui. That is not to say that Chui is bad but I am taking Keeran and he explains everything very clearly. Chui subbed once and I didn’t like her methods as much. My friend stopped going to Chui and now goes to Keeran and he prefers him a lot better. Keeran can be pretty funny as well.</p>

<p>Also the classes are EXACTLY the same. This is only the case for MAC2312 (I don’t know if any other classes operate like this). The only difference is the lecturer and the TA but the syllabi are identical</p>