Macaulay Honors at City

<p>I wanted to know if Macaulay applicants need to take the CUNY assessment exams. I haven't gotten an admissions decision yet from Macaulay but I just got this letter stating that I need to take the Math3 placement exam. I am figuring that if Macaulay applicants don't need to take it, then I got rejected and am really afraid.</p>

<p>i know lots of macaulay applicants that took it
especially city college ones!
i took it too and dont’ worry about it :slight_smile: if you know yoru algebra, trig … and incy bit of geometry … you are good
its just an exam issues to all cuny (or at least city college ones) upcoming freshmen to see if they need to take remedial math course (which is non-credit super easy math)
just take it unless if you don’t plan on going to the school</p>