Macs @ Wharton

<p>I would really like to get a Mac to use at Wharton. I know you can buy office and put Windows on Macs.
However, one of the main reasons I'd like to get a Mac is because I've heard they are much less vulnerable/weak than PCs. If I install Windows on the Mac, though, would that cause the same problem since I would still be running windows? (I apologize: I don't know much about computers)
They say that Macs aren't recommended but it seems to be the consensus that it's fine to have a Mac. What all do I need to load onto the Mac, though, to make it the most compatible with Wharton?

<p>Here, your Windows and Mac would be on different "partitions". That means that you might be able to screw up your Windows part, but Mac couldn't get affected by it.</p>

<p>Just use Boot Camp to put a Windows partition on your Mac's hard drive.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, Windows runs on a Mac exactly the same as it does on a PC, meaning that all of the vulnerabilities and other inefficiencies come with it. However, if you happened to, say, get a virus or something on Windows, your OSX partition would still be okay and you could still use that.</p>

<p>Anything that you can do on a regular PC can be done on a Mac running Boot Camp.</p>

<p>A good way to think of it is that using a Mac/Windows-Boot Camp combo is that you will be using the Windows a lot less of the time, thus lowering your risk exposure compared to someone who is running Windows 100% of the time.</p>

<p>If you went for the virtualization route instead of the Boot Camp (dual-boot) route, then you could run Windows as a self-contained app within the Mac OS and keep it disconnected from the Internet altogether.</p>