<p>Does choice of major affect admission to colleges like Columbia University (NY) and Yale?
I know that the major preference does not affect admission to Stanford, but other schools take into account the major when considering applications. This would mean that more popular majors, such as Economics at Columbia, would be extremely competitive, correct?</p>
<p>I would also like to know about schools like Brown, Cornell, and UPenn.</p>
<p>Why do you think this? I just ask because I’ve never seen anything that suggests that the colleges you ask about regard an applicant’s major any differently than S does.</p>
<p>IMO major doesn’t matter much because most students end up changing their major within the first couple of years anyway. The exceptions I can think of are: 1)when you are applying to a specific school within a college (eg. architecture, engineering); or 2) when you have extremely outstanding accomplishments in a relatively rare major (eg. classics).</p>
<p>The only major that makes a difference in admission is engineering for female. You get in with lower stats than the normal candidate. But you have to ace Physics and Math in high school and have test scores to prove it.</p>