Major and Minor Selections

<p>I'm a new freshman at GW trying to make some decisions about my academic future. I know that I want to major in Political Science (Public Policy Focus), but I know that I also want to pair this with another major and a minor. I've come to learn that I absolutely love both Economics and Philosophy, so I would want to major in either with the other being a minor. I am also in the Honors Program.</p>

<p>I know that I ultimately want to end up at a top five law school, and I would like some prestigious internships under my belt as well, but I would also like to have options for employment if I do not ultimately end up at law school. I know that my GPA and LSATs will be the ultimate factors for law school, but I would also like some solid preparation.</p>

<p>If anyone had any suggestions, they would be appreciated. Thank you.</p>

<p>Political Science and Econ double major you can´t go wrong with, but be advised our econ program is hard… requires upper level calc even for the BA. I don´t really get what your question is tbh… Do intro to macro and intro to micro first before you go and try to double major in econ though.</p>

<p>@NJtoGW‌ Also, since you’re already a student- TALK TO YOUR ADVISOR! You have the benefit over all prospective students in that you have resources already available to you. By all mean, seek out as much info as possible, but you might get more/better information from speaking with an advisor.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>-GW Grad</p>