Major Assumption - CR Questons

<p>These questions that ask for the major assumption in the passage, paragraph, etc.... do they require you to infer from the text rather than search for in the text</p>

<p>For example, when the question says what does the author imply in lines (x-y)
you must analyze the text</p>

<p>What other questions require you to analyze or infer?</p>

<p>"Which one would the author most likely agree with?"
"How would the author most likely respond to X?"</p>

<p>"According to the author..."</p>

<p>The author of both pages would most likely agree on....
The author of passage one would agree but the auther of passage two would disagree on....
The daughter's response to the annoucement was... (this actually most often be infered)....
The son smiled because.... (the physical answer would probably be in the test, but the answer choices would be ones that require infering)</p>