<p>If u got admitted to Kenyon and you are gonna be part of the 2009 class
what do u beleive you are gonna major in?</p>
<p>English possibly with the creative writing emphasis, although that could change. I have thought about anthropology too. </p>
<p>What about you, yeahmeh?</p>
<p>Thinking about a double major in English (with creative writing) and political science</p>
<p>I may go into molecular biology abd/or premed.</p>
<p>i m thinking abt english and intl relations. lets see what kenyon has in store to finalize, though.</p>
<p>Political Science or International Relations... Unfortunately, I've heard their PolySci department is pretty weak...
I kind of regret applying to Kenyon now. It was just about the most random school I applied to.</p>
<p>Actually I heard the opposite about Kenyon's PolySci department, ap1687. When I was at Kenyon our tour guide was raving about PolySci at Kenyon, especially the professors...but then again maybe that was his job?</p>
<p>haha, lainey. Well I'm sure the department is decent by itself, but compared to georgetown, tufts or johns hopkins, i think it's probably lacking in diversity of courses.
But who knows, I could be completely wrong...</p>
<p>I could be wrong as well. Where do you plan on attending, ap1687? Where else did you apply?</p>
<p>Georgetown mainly. I also applied to Brown (unlikely to get accepted, but it's like rolling a dye, so who knows?? lol) and a few other good LACs like Kenyon.
I dunno, just thinking about Kenyon by itself.... Ohio... not exactly political center of the world or anything. lol.</p>
<p>Everyone is so skeptical of Ohio, but it isn't that bad honestly. </p>
<p>Good luck though and let us know what happens and where you end up!</p>
<p>I heard great things about political science at Kenyon. A polysci professor who my family knows personally says it's very, very good...i think his words were "the best in the country." That sounded a bit extreme to me, especially considering Kenyon's size, but it's certainly positive. More limited course offerings doesn't necessary mean a worse department, especially if the professors are solid.</p>
<p>While Ohio isn't bubbling over as a political center, you make it seem like it's in antartica! Honestly, it's not that bad. I've heard really great things about their poli sci department as well, even if it is small.</p>
<p>Honestly speaking, it really doesnot matter to me- the location. I am sure it is going to be much better than Nepal so I am satisfied with it and I really have heard great things about Kenyon to keep me happy.</p>
<p>Ah well, lets BUMP this one up as well,</p>
<p>I am planning on majoring in Physics and/or English> I know its quite an odd combination, but I just can't help it! I love both of these subjects equally.</p>
<p>Psychology and maybe philosophy as well</p>
<p>Molecular biology and probably neuroscience.</p>
<p>Hey I just joined today. I'm from the midwest and will probably major in molecular biology and spanish!</p>
<p>It is nice to see molecular biology majors. One thing though...majoring in mol bio and neuroscience will be very, very hard. I am not even sure if you can take all of the classes in 4 years and complete the other distribution requirements. You can probably get a concentration in Neuro though.</p>