<p>A big hello to everyone accepted at Kenyon for the class at Kenyon. Before we meet this fall, lets try and get to know each other so that it will be easier for us once we get there.
I am from Nepal and intend to major in Intl. Relations. I will keep on writing about myself as this post continues.
<p>Hi Again. This is a fun post and a good idea, but what else should we say about ourselves? I think I've already said the basic details - I'm majoring in English and from Ohio.</p>
You got me. I just didnt know what more we could talk about so I was hoping that you and all the other accepted people could add on as well.
Have fun.
<p>Well, let's see. What classes are you guys talking this year? What do you plan on being involved in at Kenyon? Any big plans for over the summer?</p>
<p>Hey Kenyon 09ers.
I'm pretty psyched about going. I'm from Portugal, but am actually living in London at the moment doing a one year diploma course in fiction film.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to major in English, and possibly double major in something else too. </p>
<p>Chochu, how are you majoring in International Relations? Will you be creating a synoptic major? Kenyon doesn't have an international relations one. They do have International Studies though, which could be interesting.</p>
<p>pheezik, I am not really sure about what I will do to major in International Relations. I am thinking of getting there and talking about the whole thing with a counsellor before I make a decision. International Studies is the easy option out.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, you talked about doing a diploma in fiction films. That sounds really interesting. By the way, do you follow Portugese football?</p>
I have already completed my A Level senior year. I did Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and AS Level Economics and GEneral Paper. Before you even ask, my parents wanted me to be a doctor but I wasnt really interested.</p>
<p>Chochu, eheh yeah, I do follow Portuguese football. I'm not a fanatic, but I like watching it and going to a game or two from time to time. Do you follow Portuguese football by any odd coincidence?</p>
I'm from Italy and i'm ending my last year of high school. Here we've got 5 of them unluckily!!!</p>
<p>I may major in molecular biology. I'm really excited about Kenyon and i beleive it's gonna be amazing.
Last year i was an exchange student in the States, in North Dakota, and everybody told me it was a really boring place and it wasn't a good choice to go there. Now i'm hearing the same things about Ohio so guys don't worry it should be alright!!!</p>
<p>Thank you yeahmeh - everyone seems worried about Ohio, but it is not that bad. Did you enjoy your stay in North Dakota? I have never been there.</p>
<p>Chochu, so you are already done with your senior year? That must be nice. I have a 15 page research paper due in a little over a month that I'm pulling my hair out over.</p>
<p>lainey, well the hassle is already over for me with all work dealt with but I lost a year in the process coz my high school discourages applying in the senior year. goodluck with your paper.</p>
<p>pheezik, i do not exactly follow the superliga fanatically but have seen quite a lot of games (sadly on tv only). I have particularly watched Porto for quite a few years now and they are not in the right mood this year after selling a lot of players after their champions league win. I m a real football crazy though and follow champions league, EPL and La Leaga every match.Plz tell me more about the fiction film diploma as well. I am quite interested to hear abt it.</p>
<p>have a good day.</p>
<p>hello all acceptees, have u all heard from kenyon after getting your acceptance packages? i havent and am beginning to worry.
please reassure me.
<p>Hello all acceptees. Have you all heard anything from Kenyon after getting your acceptance packages? I haven't and am beginning to worry.
Please reassure me.
<p>Not to worry, the last thing I got from them was the decision letter. I heard we don't get anything until after the RD kids receive their decision letters.</p>
<p>Thanks loads lainey</p>
<p>Hey! I was accepted to Kenyon RD.</p>
<p>I live in Portland, OR, and am planning on double majoring in theatre and English. I also love music, history, philosophy, and international relations, so we'll see what happens...</p>
<p>This board is great. So what are some of the things that people are excited about at Kenyon, next year?</p>
<p>I'm really hoping to do some acting. Maybe an a cappella group? I'd love to continue Model UN, too. Anyone share these interests?</p>
<p>franklinbrown, congs. so is kenyon at the top of your list or are you thinking of some other place?
It seems we have quite a deal in common. I love to act as well (maybe not that great but simply love it). UN is definitely where I want to be but there never was a Model UN at my high school so it will be a new experience for me. I did take part in UN MOck Sessions though.
I am a regular here at Kenyon, c/o CC so see you around.
Congratulations once again and have fun.</p>
<p>franklinbrown, when did u receive ur RD notification?? Did u get merit scholarships?</p>
<p>I received my RD notification last week; yes, I got a merit scholarship.</p>
<p>Thanks, chochu! Yeah, our Model UN conference is in a little less than two weeks, so it's pretty crazy around here. We're representing three countries this year - Panama, Senegal, and THE UNITED KINGDOM. It's so much fun to be a "Big Five"! And a lot of work.</p>
<p>So what kind of theater are you interested in? I grew up doing musical theater, but I'm OBSESSED with Shakespeare.</p>
<p>Oh! And I forgot to say... (this is ridiculous - three posts in a row? I never do this.) I am VERY interested in attending Kenyon! Everything I've heard about it is great. I'm slightly concerned about whether I could survive in Gambier, though. I haven't visited yet. I mean, if I can stand it, I'll ADORE it, but I'm still not sure I would physically be able to survive...</p>