Major EC help!!

<p>I'm only a sophomore, and I'm certainly doing well in school as far as GPA goes (I think I have a 3.97). I'm still working at the 4.0. I'm even self-studying about 5 AP's (should have 9 by time I'm done w/ jr. year). Aside from that, I need EC help, as the title clearly states. </p>

Math Team (VERY GOOD chance I'm qualifying for AIME)
Science Research (I'm getting a mentor from a local college for Siemens, ISEF, Intel). </p>

<p>EC/ Volunteering:
Robotics Team<br>
Volunteer at a Church
Volunteer at another Religious organization
<strong><em>I'm not sure if these count but: USABO, USAPhO (jr.year)</em></strong> </p>

<p>I'm going for the top schools, specifically MIT. Others include: Princeton, Columbia, Cornell.</p>

<p>Basically, my EC's are lacking for those top schools. I'm planning to join Debate team next year, but other than that, PLEASE HELP.
I live in NYC, so I cant really make a big impression on community oriented movements.
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.</p>

<p>Oh and I forgot to mention, I’m also on the Boys Varsity Volleyball Team (most probable 4-year award)</p>