Major for someone who isn't great at math?

I’m considering Computer Science as a major, but I’m not great at math. I’m not horrible, but I am getting Cs and Bs in honors precalculus as a sophomore. I would probably say I’m average at math, but I am looking at schools like Cornell and U Mich and I worry that my grades in math would harm my chances. I also think that even if I do end up trying to major in Computer Science, it would be too difficult for me.
Still, I would like to major in some kind of computer/tech major. Is there any major that falls under that category, that involves a minimal amount of math compared to a pure computer science major?

Geometry is the standard class for sophomores at most high schools, so why were you placed two years ahead if you’re a B/C student?

@halcyonheather In my school the standard class for sophomores is Algebra II. The reason I was placed ahead was because back in 8th grade some students got to take Geometry if they qualified. I qualified and I did okay in that class, but my math skills waned as the content got harder :frowning: