<p>So I'm a freshman this year, and Ive doing a lot of thinking about possible majors for me. I plan on double majoring Japanese with something else, because Japanese truly is a passion of mine, but I dont want it by itself because there is no opportunity with it by itself.</p>
<p>I find myself really liking Government, but am not too sure of the opportunity there either. Psych is another possible option too. Basically, Im looking for suggestions of a major I could pair with Japanese that would have SOME opportunity. However, please keep in mind that Math is my weakpoint. I heavily dislike math, and I have never been good at it. Do you guys have any majors in mind that are humanities based but are also marketable?</p>
<p>What do you hope to do? Do you want to live and work in Japan? Work in government with the Japanese government? Or in business? Or something else entirely?</p>
<p>My immediate thought is that anything you want to do, particularly business or government, being well-versed in the Japanese language will be a big plus for you.</p>
<p>I do want to live and work in Japan at some point, or work in government with the Japanese government. I’m just not sure what kind of positions those entail. I just want to be sure I can get a good career out of a Japanese/Government Major…</p>