Major Problem

<p>So, I want to major in Japanese and minor in business and I recently got accepted to my dream school, University of Pittsburgh. My problem is that I don't think they are going to give me a penny to go there. I also got accepted to Eastern Michigan University and University of Mount Union. EMU is the best deal so far but, is the Japanese program as good as it would be if I went to Pitt? I also applied to University of Wisconsin-Madison, but haven't heard anything yet. Does anyone have any suggestions?</p>

<p>Also, I live in Ohio and EMU offers in-state tuition for Ohio residents. And sorry if this is posted in the wrong area!</p>

<p>Hmm, there are options even if you end up in a school with a less than ideal program. I have a friend who’s at UC Merced, and they only offer up to Japanese 4. She’s set on learning it, so she’s spending her jr. year in Japan. Consider that as an option too, if your school only offers so much, take time doing the general eds, then try to spend some time in Japan for the major reqs? Just a thought.</p>

<p>Just curious–did you not apply to Ohio State?</p>

<p>Ohio State is the only state school in Ohio to offer a Japanese major. EMU offers the major too, so if the cost differential is so great that loans are necessary, Pitt may not be worth it.
OSU would have been the best option.</p>

<p>I did not apply to OSU. I went down there for a band competition and absolutely hated what I saw of the campus. It was just overwhelming almost. I have been considering a year abroad. I’m just afraid that I’m going to run out of Japanese to learn from the school. Then what do I do?</p>

<p>If you can’t afford Pitt, go to EMU. Since they have the Japanese major (go to the department website and see the courses available) you will be just fine. You can do study abroad in Japan as part of EMU. For instance I see 3 programs in Japan listed:
[Academic</a> Programs Abroad | Eastern Michigan University](<a href=“]Academic”></p>

<p>If it turns out you want to graduate from a higher ranked school with more Japanese courses, you can always transfer after one year or two. (btw, I went to OSU and loved it - knew a Japanese major who became a translater - the campus becomes quite small once you find your place in it)</p>

<p>I may look into transferring if I can’t go to Pitt. It is still on the top of my list unless they don’t offer me a penny. But my Japanese teacher and guidance counselor thinks they are going to pull through and offer me some money. I hope they are right! I’m visiting Mount Union Friday so I guess I will see which of the two is a better bargain. But I am leaning more for EMU as of now. Thanks for your advice and help!</p>

<p>Well, I toured Mount Union and LOVED IT. I was so surprised. I really did not like EMU, so, I think I will end up at Mount Union. I think Pitt will be just too big for me and I don’t want to be taught by a T.A.</p>