Major Problem

<p>I am having a dilemma chosing my major I need to solve quickly.</p>

<p>Ever since I traveled on a volunteer trip to the Dominican Republic I wanted to become a doctor just like the American physicians administering to the Spanish speakers in the country. I am trying to choose between the Bio-related or Spanish major and I cannot chose one! Please note: I have already finished all prerequisites for medically school and will be prepared for the MCATn and Med school reguardless of major chosen.</p>

<p>Bio Major:
-Develop scientific knowledge more deeply
-Very applicable to Med school
-about 70% med school entering class has this major
-Reccomended by Dr’s and past professors
-Enjoy subject matter
-Easily get research opportunities in science field (looks good 4 med school)</p>

-Damn near EVERY medical student is a science major
-Limits the “well-rounded” aspect of college
- Wont stand out among all bio majors applying for med school
-No guarentee on level of Spainsh proficiency</p>

<p>Spanish Major
-Unique major not often chosen (Good appeal to Med school)
-INSURES higher level proficiency in Spanish (Reading, writing, speaking on college level in Spanish-speaking countries)
-Study abroad, which I really want to do, is more easily attained (perferrably to Spain)</p>

-noted as an “easy major”
-how much Spanish is too much? (Classes in grammer, Culture, and Spainsh Works)
-not a science major</p>

<p>Thanks for your time. I have considered double majoring. Anyone done that? Thanks!</p>

<p>It seems like it makes more sense for you to major in Bio. You can major in Bio and still take Spanish classes to increase your proficiency. You can also do study abroad during the summer, if you can’t do it for school term.</p>

<p>Would you be able to major in Bio and minor in Spanish? </p>

<p>I think Bio might be a more practical decision since you actually want to become a doctor. Besides, if you did end up working in DR, you would begin to pick up Spanish more naturally, anyway, in addition to the Spanish you can take in college even if you don’t major in it.</p>

<p>jekyllnhyde20: what college are you enrolled? You posted this same question across several Ivy league forums. This might assist us in offering answers.</p>

<p>jekyll, why don’t you post this over on the Parent’s Forum. There are lots of MD parents over there who would be happy to give you advice on this topic.</p>

<p>It really doesn’t matter what you major in as far as getting into medical school. I work in the health field and know plenty of doctors who majored in music, history, architecture, computer science, etc. before medical school. Some even worked in finance. Remember that med schools like people with a variety of backgrounds; it makes them more well-rounded doctors and gives a broader perspective. Do the major you feel you enjoy the most, do well, and study like crazy for the MCAT.</p>

<p>If Spanish is considered an “easy” major, then double-majoring could be a good idea.</p>

<p>Plus, you’ll stand out more “among the bio majors” if you also majored in Spanish.</p>

<p>I am currently a student applying for transfer to Yale and thats why Im posting on this forum.</p>

<p>You don’t need to major in science of pre-med to apply to medical school. As long as you have the required science and other classes that you need in order to qualify, then your fine. Med schools actually like students from other majors because it shows a sense of passion to something. And most importantly, your going to be spending 4+ years in med school and beyond studying science classes, so have fun in college and take something else.</p>