<p>Can a major req also be used to fulfill a breadth?</p>
<p>[Office</a> of Undergraduate Advising: 7 Course Breadth](<a href=“http://ls-advise.berkeley.edu/requirement/7breadth.html]Office”>http://ls-advise.berkeley.edu/requirement/7breadth.html)
Under the guidelines, it doesn’t specifically say major prereqs can’t be used. If the course appears under the approved list of Breadth courses, then I’m pretty sure it counts. I’m in a similar situation in that one of my econ prereqs satisfies the social science breadth.</p>
<p>The referenced web page says (emphasis added):</p>
<p>However, this is not necessarily true for other divisions. For example, while the School of Business generally follows the L&S breadth requirement pattern, it does not allow business courses, microeconomics or macroeconomics courses, and some other courses to fulfill breadth requirements. The Colleges of Engineering and Chemistry breadth requirements cover only humanities and social studies courses which do not overlap with major requirements in majors in those divisions.</p>