<p>Yes, you can uses courses from your major to fulfill the L&S Breadth Requirements. For example, if I were majoring in Molecular Biology, Bio 1A would fulfill the biological breadth.</p>
<p>L&S allows using your major’s courses to fulfill the 7-course breadth. But note that no more than two courses in any department can be used, and one course can only be used to cover one category of the 7-course breadth (although it can double up on American Cultures).</p>
<p>Business follows the L&S pattern, but excludes business and some economics courses from fulfilling breadth.</p>
<p>Engineering does not allow any engineering courses other than a few “social implications” and “ethics” type courses to fulfill breadth.</p>
<p>Breadth courses challenge you to engage in material outside your area of study. But yes, you can take breadth courses from your major department. In fact, if you choose the right upper-division breadth course from your major department, you’d be satisfying both breadth AND a major requirement.</p>
<p>^Haas don’t let you use a prereq for two requirements. So Econ1 could only count as a prereq and not a breadth. You must take another class for the breadth.</p>