Hi everyone I’m currently in my 3rd semester of school I need 2 more semesters to graduate which means I’ll be graduating in December 2018 and I have to apply to 4 year colleges this summer. I spoke to a transfer advisor last week about my gpa and my major- things like that. Anyway, when she had asked me what I wanted to major in at my new school I originally said I wanted to major in communication and science disorder and minor in education just in case as back up I would be a teacher if I do not want to go to grad school to get my masters to become a speech pathologist. She told me that was a bad idea because I would get a lot of classes for my minor as in- education classes, student teaching, observing the students plus I would have my core classes for my major, she said how would I be able to handle that? I was stuck and confused I couldn’t answer the question. I knew that I had wanted to get a job and start my career as soon as I get my bachelors so that’s why I’m choosing to major in education once I go to my new school. I just wanted to know if you guys think I made a right choice? Also, if you could give me some advice about education classes how it is, how is the student teaching, observation in the classrooms? My gpa is a 3.2 right now, I’m going to maintain it this way until I graduate.
By graduating do you mean transferring?
“It is possible to fail at your back up plan” -Jim Carrey
Don’t settle. Ever. Now is the time to take risks. Education is NOT a shoe in career, especially if you aren’t teaching STEM. Please, do what you want and work your ass off! Don’t listen to your councilor.