<p>I would like to apply to Harvard, however the school as of right now is a pretty far reach for me. I was previously interested in pursuing film as a minor in college, however I heard Harvard has a fairly storng film program. Knowing this, I would be more inclined to major in film in college. My question is: would being a film major help my chances at all, since it seems to be a less popular major not only with Harvard but with most colleges in the US?</p>
<p>edit: by "pretty far reach" I meant my SATs are about 100 or so pts below the average student there, and I haven't really done any of the extra-ordinary EC's which many Harvard apps seem to have done (i.e. no internships, national olympiads, etc.)</p>
<p>While they're happy to know that you'd be interested in studying VES here (Visual and Environment Studies -- through which you can choose Film Studies or Film/Video), I'm not sure that checking "Film" on the application will help you any, as you are not actually held to what you check on your application. They expect that you'll get here and change your mind in one way or another. Most of us do.</p>
<p>In contrast, demonstrating a strong interest in film through extra-curriculars, essays, and your interview would be much, much more helpful.</p>
<p>Again, as I have said in another post, if all your ECs, grades, etc. point to something else that you have a passion for, then putting down VES as a major and circling "very sure" is NOT going to help you - in fact, it makes you look deceitful.</p>
<p>Actually, one problem I have faced is that my EC's point entirely to my dedication the film and music, and not enough to more "serious" things such as business or medicine (the other possible career choices I face if not majoring in music or film). So my EC's are actually pretty strong for someone looking to go into film ( Pres/Founder Film Club, Winner Film Fest 2 yrs in a row, etc). Thanks</p>