majors that give many high paying jobs?

<p>after reading the graduation where do they go thread, i was just wondering what are the majors that have the most high paying jobs out there.</p>

<p>i'm pretty set on double majoring in dance and pre-med or biology, and i am aware these don't guarantee many high paying jobs. but what majors do?</p>

<p>i want to add to the above post.. my majors are not going to change and i am probably not changing them based on how much money other majors may lead to. i don't want anyone to get that impression. that was not the purpose of my post.</p>

<p>Math; when a company looks for someone with top analysis skills - they look here.</p>

after reading the graduation where do they go thread, i was just wondering what are the majors that have the most high paying jobs out there.</p>

<p>i'm pretty set on double majoring in dance and pre-med or biology, and i am aware these don't guarantee many high paying jobs. but what majors do?


<p>The usual suspects: engineering, computer science, accounting, business administration/management (but only from a top ug business school).</p>

<p>The reality is that there aren't many fields in which an undergraduate degree leads to a significant career. Unless you have very specific plans, I'd focus on something you're passionate about and plan on getting a masters degree afterwards.</p>

<p>Electrical engineering, computer science, math, statistics, or any other type of engineering.</p>

<p>Engineering, CS, accounting, finance, they susually pay very well</p>

<p>If you attend a top undergraduate institution, you can major in pretty much anything and land a good job when you graduate. Friends of mine majored in Art History and English and landed jobs that paid $3,500-$4,500/month when they graduated...and that was back in 1996. </p>

<p>This said, Dance and Biology majors are not as likely to land top paying jobs as Engineering/Computer Science, Business, Math or Economics majors. But again, particularly in the case of Business, Math and Economics, most students who land good paying job upon graduation are those who attended top universities.</p>

<p>janemac, there are 2 types of majors. Some are vocational (engineering, nursing, etc) and prepare you for a job right out of college. On the other hand, there are liberal-arts degrees. History, poli-sci, archeology, dance, you name it. People with these majors CAN get good jobs too, but it takes more than just the degree. As Alexandre points out, it helps to go to a top school. A degree from a top school is a signal that you were good enough to get admitted, and studying the importance of signals in the job and other markets got the Nobel Prize in economics a few years back.</p>

<p>However no matter where you go to school, and even if it is a top one, there are some things you need to do. Good grades and involvement in leadership activities is important, but the KEY that is needed for grads in these majors are internships. They set you apart from the 1000's of other kids with the same degree, give you experience in the field, and usually lead to offers from the companies where you had internships. Other companies are impressed by the internships and take a much closer look at you.</p>

<p>People with liberal-arts degrees are not doomed to flipping burgers. Most people in management positions came up from these majors. One issue when answering questions like the janemac asked is that most HS students are just not yet informed about all the jobs that are out there. They can name only a dozen or two jobs, so they have no idea of how people enter career fields they don't even know exist. This narrowing of focus means kids talk about the same few jobs as if that's all there is -- lawyer, teacher, accountant, doctor, investment banker, etc.</p>

<p>I would suggest the OP read 2 books. The first is "Major in Success" and explains with many stories how college students can discover their interests and prepare for jobs pursuing those interests while in college. The second book is the bible of the job-hunter, "What Color is Your Parachute". This book also helps you discover what your interests are and how to determine where out in the working world you can do it. I would also suggest becoming a regular visitor to the career center in college starting from frosh year. Earlier on in college, to explore careers, later to get internships and career-related work.</p>

<p>UVA School of Commerce... wowsa! Those grads get paid big bucks (as I'm sure Wharton kids do too)</p>

<p>As a side-note... friend-of-a-friend graduated from MIT, landed a VERY high-paying job, kept if for a few months, QUIT, took his income and is now gambling with it in Vegas and NYC. (math major I assume).</p>

<p>engineerring?!?!? since when
curryspice: have u read bringing down the house? MIT graduates are good at gambling :]</p>

<p>Engineering since always. If you do half-decent in your undergrad you shouldn't have a hard time getting a job paying over $55k a year to start.</p>

<p>oh...always thought the opposite. well what about med at a good school, or law, or airplane-piloting?</p>

<p>Doctors and lawyers definitely make more than engineers on average. Med school and law school are graduate schools though, not undergrad majors, so it's difficult to compare. Majoring in engineering doesn't prevent you from going to med/law school either, and quite a few actually that that route.</p>

<p>Peach, one of my relatives is an engineer (EE) and he started at over 45K, 8 years later he says he makes 120K. Not Wall Street numbers, but not too shabby either ...</p>

<p>If I study math/physics/logic in a LAC and then go to graduate school to study engineering, may it be regarded as a waste of time?</p>

<p>Which part?</p>

<p>undgra part</p>

<p>Why not just get a degree in Engineering?</p>

<p>I like logic and epistemology (in fact I like sujects emphasize analysis) very much, but I wish I could work as an engineer....</p>