majors that will help me earn big money

<p>other than majors related to health professions, what major will help me earn big money? I am very curious.</p>

<p>Chemical Engineers had the highest average starting salary for 2005 grads at approx. $55k, but my friend said part of that is b/c they lump ChemE's in with Petroleum Engineers in the stats, and with oil like it is...whatever, he was a chemE and got a ridiculous job with an oil company and was making way above that average.</p>

<p>I am currently a Marine Transportation major. When I graduate I will have a Third Mates Liscence a tanker PIC and an LNG PIC.</p>

<p>I plan on working 6 months a year and making over 100 grand. And thats the starting salary straight out of college.</p>


<p>But, choosing a major based on salary is a bad idea.</p>

<p>Whatever hapened to studying something you like ?</p>

<p>Perhaps they like money...</p>

<p>engineering + MBA = gold</p>

<p>FrddyGV, I am studying something I like. I'm learning how to sail, and I'll be able to go all over the world doing what I like, and making lots of money.</p>

<p>Yeah, sure you do. But what about the OP? I'm not questioning your post.. I'm saying that because the other person should study something they like instead of asking in an online forum what they should do with their life just because they want to make money.</p>

<p>Political science is really hot right now.</p>

<p>all fields of work have hotshot people occupying top-paying places -- it does not matter what major you go for -- it matters what you do after you graduate</p>

<p>if you're looking into work only with BS degree then yes, there are things like computer science and engineering that pay fresh graduates more than other fields do -- after those first couple of years that you start out, it is completely up to you</p>

<p>any profession has people receiving bottom 10-20% in salary who graduated under same major as people receiving top 10-20% in salary</p>