<p>Granted, but you have to pay me $100,000,000,000.00001 for the service, plus the cost of college.</p>
<p>I wish people had brains.</p>
<p>Granted, but you have to pay me $100,000,000,000.00001 for the service, plus the cost of college.</p>
<p>I wish people had brains.</p>
<p>Granted, but they will use them for EVIL.</p>
<p>I wish for world peace.</p>
<p>Granted, but it means all humans must die first, especially you.</p>
<p>I wish pugs reigned over humans</p>
<p>Granted, but golden retriever will rule the pugs.</p>
<p>I wish your mom would reign over humans.</p>
<p>Granted, but you did not reign over her last night</p>
<p>I wish to find a song about translating stuff</p>
<p>Granted, but you cannot translate it into your own language.</p>
<p>I wish I could have an unlimited amount of wishes on anything I want with no twisting by anyone.</p>
<p>Granted, but you will never have children. </p>
<p>I wish MIThopeful16 was located at the bottom of the world.</p>
<p>Granted, but the world is opposite.</p>
<p>I wish I was extremely intelligent and extremely humble at the same time with no qualms.</p>
<p>Granted. Go spend the rest of your life working for low wages making a less intelligent, more assertive employer rich.</p>
<p>I wish I owned 100 square miles of wilderness.</p>
<p>Granted, but you’ll die by a random ostrich attack.</p>
<p>I wish I was the greatest person of all time and was humble and rich. And married a intelligent, respectable, non-pornstar women who could have children that were not challenged in any way. And we lived in a problem-free house and the world was perfect.</p>
<p>Granted, but you will be the only person in this world besides your wife and two children and you will be forced to live in this world forever and ever and be bored for eternity.</p>
<p>I wish there were intelligent life forms at the top of the world. lol</p>
<p>Granted, but they will be evil and kill you.</p>
<p>I want to be insanely sarcastic and write a satire.</p>
<p>Granted, but it will receive horrible reviews written by equally sarcastic critics.</p>
<p>I wish I knew all the secrets of the universe and could live out the remainder of my natural life with such secrets in hand.</p>
<p>Granted, but the secrets you found out were written in 1290.</p>
<p>I wish this thread would end.</p>
<p>Not granted.</p>
<p>^ lol</p>
<p>I wish that this thread would continue.</p>
<p>Granted, but you will die tomorrow and will not live to see it continue.</p>
<p>I wish that I could get some sleep.</p>
<p>^ granted, but someone will poke you every thirty minutes waking you up so you can’t get any good sleep. </p>
<p>I wish to get a good paying job this summer.</p>
<p>Granted, but you get fired after your first paycheck.</p>
<p>I wish sexy, clean, non gold-digger asians girls liked me.</p>
<p>Granted, they really do like you. They think you’re the best friend they ever had.</p>
<p>I want to be the smartest man in the world.</p>