making friends at a small school?

<p>I'm going to start college this fall and I'm a bit nervous. I'm going to a small private school that has about 2, 500 students. I feel that it'll be like high school and social circles will close quickly and I'll be left alone. Right now I have a few close friends. I was thinking maybe fraternity, but I'm pretty intoverted and I never partied in high school. I really like the idea of study groups, but I'm not sure how to get one started. Any tips for somebody in my situation?</p>

<p>Ha ha. Sounds a little like my campus. I go to a very small public college, that is also very non-traiditional. Be grateful that form the sound of it your is traditional. </p>

<p>First, LIVE ON CAMPUS. I cannot stress this enough. At least your first year you need to live either in the dorms or a frat. You will be around other people in a very similar situation. It helps finding people. Don’t get a single. Get a double. You might hate your roommate, but at the very least you know someone, and someone is around and just as nervous as you. Even if you are introverted, having a roommate gives you at least one person you know you can always eat with for the most part or have some connection with even if it is you share the same small excuse for a room. </p>

<p>Second, eat on campus. Meals are often where cliques will emerge, much like high school, but you’ll be able to see who sits where,and who you’ll wnat to join. </p>

<p>Third, clubs and intramural sports are just as important as in high school for meeting people, but now you’re not the nerd for doing it. You are a normal student. </p>

<p>As for study groups, if your campus has small class sizes like mine, you’ll find them. My geneds had a max of thirty people, so you’ll generally know who is good and who is struggling and who hates the class and who loves it. It’s easy to make conversation once you get used to the enviornment. </p>

<p>Yes, in some ways amall campuses are similair to high school. I will be the first to admit this, but there are more people to relate to with similar interests. </p>

<p>You’ll be fine. I promise. :slight_smile: </p>