Male average student wanting to participate in crew in college

<p>my s2 is an average student, smart kid (yes I am his mother) but dyslexic and a slow reader although comprehension is fine.</p>

<p>he is a sophomore, but eyeing the future as s1 is a senior, s2 is interested in crewing in college. currently is crewing and will for four years in hs. built for crew, LOVES IT, athletic and competitive...and crew.</p>

<p>no, he can't make any money doing this. but wants to participate.</p>

<p>academically, he is intuitive and a natural with engineering. but average academics. his freshman year he received a 3.0. I don't expect it will improve much, and test scores will be similar.</p>

<p>he loves east coast, crew heavy schools.</p>


<p>money is not a huge issue, will compare to state non crew schools and go from there. he is in texas. </p>

<p>thanks folks!!</p>

<p>I don’t know much about crew. Is it a club sport or a Div I or II sport? Does your son have a preference?</p>

<p>What level of school would his stats likely qualify for? a mid tier school? Are Catholic schools ok?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what you’re asking but I have a question for you - has he been tested and qualified for accommodations both in his high school and for the SAT and ACT? A school like Ithaca College comes immediately to mind but I’m not sure they have anything remotely connected to engineering. You should also look into test optional schools.</p>

<p>You may want to post over on the Athletic Recruits forum - a lot of crew talk over there. Maybe UMass-Lowell? Is Dayton northeast enough?</p>

<p>[Athletic</a> Recruits - College Confidential](<a href=“]Athletic”>Athletic Recruits - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>Wow thanks all! Mtck, I don’t know division stuff. Just starting to think on that for him, but I’ll find out. Thx! And if Catholics take Methodists then we are square!! Amtc, yes he does have accommodations. I’ve thought about test option schools, Wake Forest is one I believe, but just don’t know how he would do. Texas Tech does a lot for this type of kid, but no crew. Mag, I didn’t know about that forum…I’ll check into it. Idk on Dayton. He loved Annapolis recently at a crew camp. He is an adventurer. Who knows!!</p>

<p>The Catholic colleges accept anyone. So if any would work…</p>

<p>As you probably know, crew in most places involves early mornings on the water, and for successful programs a significant commitment to strength training. d at LMU couldn’t handle the time commitment at Division 1 LMU, it would be wise to look at the level he is considering. If his class load takes extra time, consider carefully how big the time commitment to his sport is, depending on the college. major etc. it could be an issue.
Not trying to be negative, it’s an awesome sport.</p>

<p>The time commitment concern for a Div I sport could be significant if the student has some challenges like dyslexia. Homework and studying may take him more time.</p>

<p>Maybe a Club team would be the best bet???</p>