Mandatory Swim Classes?

<p>I heard that all freshman are required to take a swim test and if they don't pass they will be put in a swim class. Is this only for the Oxford campus or does it apply to the Emory campus as well?</p>

<p>This is only for the Oxford campus, not for our daughter campus in Atlanta. </p>

<p>I thought so…</p>

<p>That’s crazy. </p>

<p>It’s important to note that the swim test is more or less can you get into water and manage not to drown, as well as that there are two swim classes (one for those who aren’t comfortable putting their face into water and those who are) and that both count as one of the two PE courses everyone must take at Oxford. (Oxford students actually take one fewer health/PE classes over their four years than students who start at the Atlanta campus.)</p>

<p>Every year, a number of largely privileged girls from foreign countries complain loudly about the requirement. My response is always that some combination of people are investing 250k in their education, and we would strongly prefer that they not go off themselves simply because they fell off of a boat or into a large puddle.</p>

<p>Oxford has a swim test? That’s hilarious. </p>

<p>It’s unusual but not that unusual. MIT, Cornell, Columbia, Notre Dame, Washington and Lee, Bryn Mawr and Dartmouth still have them I believe.</p>

<p>And University of Chicago. They mentioned it in the campus tour.</p>

<p>It must only be at Oxford.</p>