<p>Hello Everyone! It's been some time since I posted so thanks for reading and responding. </p>
<p>This is a quick question and poll, but your votes and feedback will HELP ME tremendously. MANITOULIN ISLAND...WOULD YOU CONSIDER GOING? </p>
<p>As some of you may remember me and my partners are opening up an Outdoor Adventure called GREATEST CANADIAN SURVIVORS©. It's a mixture between Survivor, The Amazing Race, Wipeout and Survivorman and the entire experience is filmed through multiple HD cameras. We have been developing it for months and we are currently have an incredible opportunity to possibly open GCS on Manitoulin Island, on beautiful open water and vast forest landscapes. </p>
<p>So again, the question is simply, WOULD CONSIDER GOING TO MANITOULIN ISLAND??...
Your votes and feedback will really HELP ME! </p>
<p>Thanks </p>