<p>I wasn't sure which forum to put this under, but I thought it went better here. My question is: is it possible to make $1000 or more a month in college. Also, can you hold a regular job and work study at the same time. I realize that 2 jobs and school seems foolish (assuming it's even possible) but I've gotten myself into a bad financial situation, and the only way I can think of to mend it is to make monthly payments to my school for my first year and transfer to a cheaper school next year. </p>
<p>Different question but related: if I am unable to go to the school I want, what will happen to my federal FA? Can I transfer it to a CC if I make the changes to my fafsa? Also, I already applied and have been approved for a Stafford loan. It's all done. If I don't end up in school, do I still have to pay it back?</p>
<p>Thank you in advance!</p>