March 10th Essay

<p>OK, good. I was worried when I saw everyone else writing about a different one, lol.</p>

<p>i got the expectations one too</p>

<p>I was beginning to think that it was so weird that everyone had the same essay question, especially in March when everyone's like taking it. I just used the Bridge of St. Luis Rey, reading that in eng, lots of discussion = instant ideas.</p>

<p>Thoreau, Speak (by Laurie Anderson), and a personal experience.</p>

<p>I have a question for you guys.
I used Copernicus in my essay which should be a good example, but my problem is, I didn't write Copernicus but Copernic (in my country, it's the way, we say it). Do you think it's gonna make me look bad?</p>

<p>Glad to see all the Transcendentalist references.</p>

<p>I had the high/low expectations one...</p>

<p>I used the invasion of Normandy (Eisenhowers quote "Full victory, nothing else"), and a personal experience.</p>

<p>I used Bernard Marx from Brave New World and Atticus Finch from TKAMB</p>

<p>Is is OK to use two literary examples</p>

<p>i had the expectations one as well</p>

<p>I used Mahatma Gandhi and Sir Thomas More for the fitting in/individual one.</p>

<p>I really thought they'd think I had skipped ahead and read that Writing question about Thomas More though. What an odd coincidence. :p</p>

<p>I also used Thoreau; but the only other examples I used were personal or anecdotal. Is it really necessary to base most of the essay off of historical events/people??</p>

<p>"i had different/ fit in
i wrote about civil rights movement (MLK, rosa parks)
and the womens rights movement (susan B anthony, elizabeth cady stanton)"</p>

<p>Yeah i did civil rights movement too
and personal experience.</p>

<p>crap i had dumb examples. but i have gotten 6's and like 1 5 on every single one i did in my sat workshop. hopefully my vocab will address my lack of good examples.</p>

<p>I got the fit in/ one, and I used Eleanor Roosevelt on 2p and how she was different from other first ladies on 3p (and FDR).
Seemed like everyone used more than one examples. In the past, I've been using only one example (make 2 body paragraphs) and still got 12. Is it reletively easy to get 12? I need 12 for this SAT.</p>

<p>got the fit in/ one, and I used Eleanor Roosevelt on 2p and how she was different from other first ladies on 3p (and FDR).
Seemed like everyone used more than one examples. In the past, I've been using only one example (make 2 body paragraphs) and still got 12. Is it reletively easy to get 12? I need 12 for this SAT.</p>

<p>using 1 example IMO is a bit of a risk especially if your readers disagree with that example or find it anything less than perfect (There's nothing else to fall back on). i have seen 1 examples get 12's but i erred on the safe side and went with 3.</p>

<p>Haha, I hope the reader is a woman. ;]</p>

<p>I used my personal example, made up a book "Hoops through Sky" and talked about Booker T. Washington</p>

<p>Gatsby, personal example about golf and setting expectations, Dispatch (made up quotes that Chad Urmston supposedly said about goals for the band)</p>

<p>gatsby was indeed a good fit for the unique question (as always). i didn't use him, he didn't work well with my thesis.. i used galileo, civil rights, and wafa sultan.</p>

<p>it seems like a lot of people did what i did:
i wrote about- the Holocaust, a personal experience, and Their Eyes were watching god.
2 examples were on African Americans
1 on Jews
i hope my reader isnt some weird KKK member in the south :P</p>