Marine bio/biology (non pre-med) programs

<p>So I have my reach schools: UC San Diego, Cornell, Brown
I have my safety schools: Rutgers and Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
I'm having a ton of trouble trying to find some in the middle. I have U of Michigan, but it is much more on the reach side than anything.
I want to go into Marine Biology, with more of an emphisis on biochemistry/cell biology. I would love a marine biology/science program, but an excellent biology program would do just fine. I want a program with research opportunities, and, if it is a bio program, NO MEDICAL SLANT. I also want a school that is well rounded; even if the biology program is excellent, if the rest of the school stinks, I don't want anything to do with it.
By the time I finnish high school I will have completed 11 or 12 AP classes, and so far I've gotton A's in the six I've taken. I've gotton three 5's and three 4's on my AP exams, with Bio, Calc AB, and World History being the 5's. My SAT's aren't so great, with a 670 in CR, 680 in math, and 740 in writing. My subjects are better: 720 in math 2, 770 in chemistry, and 790 in bio M. I'm either #2, 3, or 4 in my class of 400. I'm going to be a senior in the fall. I live in New Jersey.</p>

<p>Thanks, I hope someone will be able to help me. My guidance counseler has been no help at all.</p>

<p>I think I just replied to your other post, but check out: U of Wisconsin-Madison, Tulane, U of Miami, and UC Santa Barbara.</p>

<p>Search old posts on CC regarding Marine Biology/Biological Oceanography. Particularly look for posts by Warblersrule86.</p>

<p>Incidentally, it is important to keep in mind that this is, for the most part, a graduate field of study. That is, it will be very, very hard to get a job with just an undergraduate degree. That being said, as you probably know, Richard Stockton College offers an undergrad degree in the field. Other undergraduate programs include...</p>

<p>U of New Hampshire (Zoology)
U of Miami
U of Rhode Island
U of North Carolina-Wilmington
U of Washington
Western Washington University
U of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Oregon State University
U of South Carolina</p>

<p>You might want to consider Duke as well. Its biology program is one of the top in nation, and it offers a concentration under the major in marine biology. The Duke U Marine Lab in Beaufort, NC may also interest you. Students can study there for a semester in either fall, spring, or summer and take a series of biology classes (and select others) that focus on marine biology, plus participate in current research at one of the labs: Duke</a> University Marine Lab.</p>

<p>Yes, according to Warblersrule86, a Duke student, Marine Biology at Duke is very good. I forgot to mention The College of Charleston undergraduate program.</p>

<p>I am impressed with the Marine Biology program at UMiami.
They have a huge building of their own in the Fl Keys and also, the students study aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship.</p>

<p>The other schools you mention may also be great but I am not familiar with them at all. </p>

<p>Also, with your stats, you would likely get a 3/4- full tuition merit scholarship.</p>

<p>If you're interested in a more non-traditional but still very good (and field-based) marine biology program, College of the Atlantic might be worth looking into.</p>