Disclaimer: I kind of d*cked around for the first year and a half of high school.
But by the end of high school, I’ll have 13 AP’s done, along with two college level courses (engineering course and an in depth course in CISCO) done and over with. So far, for the AP exam scores I have gotten back, they’ve been 4s or 5s.
I’ve taken the ACT through an offer at the GT program at school, and I got a 30…that was about a year or so ago, though.
I currently have a GPA of 3.9…I have no idea on class rank or anything.
The extra curriculars though, are probably what’s going to get me - I had done football and wrestling, but couldn’t continue the former due to elevated concussions and the latter for the massive time commitment - GPA was suffering. . I do have a part time job at a theme park, which I was promoted to assistant manager quickly, as well as volunteering gigs at both a local hospital and the animal rescue place a little while outside of town.
As stated above, I don’t do any team sports at school currently, although I do, do Krav Maga out of a legit place as well as the fitness/strength program at my local gym. I’m trying to start up a lacrosse club at school - do have a teacher sponsor, but recruiting enough people is a pretty hard challenge.
As regards to the PFT for the Marine Corps, I can pull off a 3 mile run in just over 20 minutes, I can max out the sit ups, but I can really only do 10 good form pullups. 12-15 if less-than-perfect ones are included.
The issue is, I have just picked all those up recently. I have no intention of dropping them, regardless of NROTC - I find that searching for extra curriculars to attempt to boost my application has made me into a better-rounded individual regardless.
Does having no team sports (school sanctioned, at least) spell death to your application? I’m currently a sophomore, thanks.
*If this is in the wrong spot, sorry. First post.