<p>How is Marshall's placement into the top graduate business schools? I've heard that many of them look down upon Marshall/USC for various reasons.</p>
<p>I spoke with some reps at Wharton and they said that USC would be an excellent option if I planned to get a Wharton MBA. </p>
<p>I've read some stuff about USC Marshall feeding pretty heavily into Stanford MBA but can't remember where I found that so don't quote me on it.</p>
<p>Regardless, Marshall is the 9th ranked business program in the country and its image is only improving. I can't imagine any MBA program snubbing its nose too much.</p>
<p>That's really good to know. That was a question I had.</p>
<p>Penn and Stanford are 2 of my 5 dream/future hope business schools(Stan, NW, UM, Penn, Harvard; UM because it is in-state).</p>
<p>Hopefully I can get National Merit Finalist - that would make USC way easier money wise.</p>